Fish Fishing Techniques Sembilang

Fishing techniques Sembilang Fish - Fish is fish Sembilang often live on the edge of the sea or in estuaries. This Sembilang live fish clustered with its collection. The nature of Sembilang is very greedy to take all what he ate. No wonder the fishing for these fish is very easy compared to other types of fish fishing there on the seafront.

Sembilang fishing season if another easy, usually if you run out of rain and slightly turbid water can harvest a lot. To his way of fishing you can use tin benthic nurseries under a series of 2 to 3 hook / whisker. Umpang be more extensible peeled shrimp or live shrimp sip wear. My usual fishing at the edge of the chart, would ebb tide conditions, and the most appropriate for the morning fishing.

            2 hook fishing circuit / mustache

 Mania can also lure fishing bait Sembilang using soft shelled crabs with a direct way to hook ditempelin. Do not worry because this soft-shelled crab soft shell. But to get a soft-shelled crab is rather difficult because the price is a little bit expensive. Sembilang also like to eat fish baits such as clams and worms klelet white.

                                                                      Soka Crab Feed

For Sembilang fish fishing fishing bait mania does not need too much, because these fish are usually hiding in the rocks, FADs, poles or other bridge that is holding currents. Fishing mania simply use small weights and threw it to the side with a depth of about 25-75 cm.

When using peeled shrimp has a flaw that is after the bait thrown before Sembilang take the bait fish bait usually peeled shrimp will be eaten by small fish. Suggested for fishing mania for fishing with bait shrimp is better to use than using live shrimp peeled shrimp.
 If fishing fish previously Sembilang better fishing mania wondering the same first fishing fish fishing mania often Sembilang in that place where lies are often obtained Sembilang fish. Sembilang fish because it's like having a human residence. But the house was in the living fish Sembilang mud. If you already know the location of the house where the fish-rod straight Sembilang just that place. The result would be different if fishing fishing mania without knowing where the fish houses Sembilang.

But in my experience, if fishing Sembilang better learn to wonder also about the characteristics of the type of fish food Sembilang endemic areas. That is fishing mania figure out what kind of fish Sembilang favorite food in the area. There are some areas that fish Sembilang most like to eat live shrimp. There also likes to eat shrimp peeled. For instance in my hometown area Sembilang actually like to eat fish bait fish slices that have rotten, because at the dock a lot of fishing boats that throw rotten fish in the sea water. This method is intended that the results we can get more leverage.


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