Fishing Fishing in the pool system

Fishing Systems in Swimming Fishing - Final - end sport fishing is more popular in Indonesia. Becoming more and more people go to the fishing spot for a hobby or just recreation. This triggered an increasing number of new fishing are packed in such a way for fishing enthusiasts. The hobbyist also of course greatly helped with the fishing ponds this. How not, the mileage is relatively close, relatively low cost, comfort and reassurance to get the sensation of pulling fish certainly be an attraction that can not be denied.

When fishing pond (especially in Indonesia) are divided into several types. Surely these species will continue to grow as the need for future anglers. Here are some types of game fishing in the pond which is currently quite popular in Indonesia.

Daily Fishing pond
Daily Fishing pond is a fishing spot Goldfish or other freshwater fish that can be visited at any time by anglers. On the daily fishing pond, anglers can immediately occupy shanties there. Anglers will be charged the appropriate amount of provisions adopted by the fishing pond owner. The costs are derived for the angler fish.

Daily fishing begins the morning and ended in the evening, is open every day and is generally crowded on Saturdays and Sundays. There are several fishing locations are open evenings only and some are even open 24 hours. Meng-counter daily Resistance Fish Ponds, fond of their new fishing pond fishing can deepen the experience and learn techniques from other anglers fishing with notice or ask. Feel free to say hello and ask fellow anglers, usually they will gladly greet back.

 Fishing pond Kiloan
Fishing pond Kiloan implement pay systems based on the weight gain of fish scales. In this pool managers generally spread a lot of fish, except carp, fish content can be varied or mixed with other species of freshwater fish such as Oreochromis mossambicus, Tilapia, Patin, Bawal Nails, Gurame and catfish. Scattered many anglers fish spoil meant to make it easier to get a strike. Fishing pond Kiloan this be an ideal place for beginners to get to know the basic techniques of fishing. Just tips for anglers who are experienced, use a light rod (light tackle) kenur class 1 kg, 2 kg or 3 kg and try to train counter resistance skills (fight) fish. This experience can hone skills and be equipped angler experience in general.

Wholesale ponds

In addition to the pool and the kilogram daily, pond fishing fans also know Empang Borongan. Wholesale pond is actually a farmer's pond where the fish were initially stocked pond fish seed. Fish are loaded and then raised after the fish reach consumption size then offered to anglers or angler group in hopes the fish will be purchased at the market price. This is certainly more profitable for farmers to sell to the fish than fish collectors will bid based on the wholesale purchase price.

After the agreement wholesale price then anglers can fish in the pond. Most ponds are ponds that offered tebarannya fish consumption has been beyond measure. So it would be more suited to the manager offered to anglers fishing or diborongkan. But there is also a pond volume is deliberately made ​​by the owner to fill fish ponds that have ideal size to be fished later offered to diborongkan. In this case the angler must be keen in seeing the contents of the fish were scattered and good at bargaining prices offered pond owners. Usually the pond owner to benefit from the difference between the purchase price and the profits from the rest of the fish are not moved.

Swimming Fishing Contest

Swimming Fishing Contest is used to fishing pond Goldfish fishing competition, there is also competition fishing for catfish. Swimming pools are generally fishing competition Fishing Day race system implemented on certain days, usually Saturday and Sunday. Or it was made specifically for the race course. Here anglers will pit the skills, experience and luck in competing with other participants to win the fishing competition. In the skills competition system makes the bait, determining the burst point (hotspot) and build into a potential hotspot will contribute to enlarge the opportunity to win the race. Fishing competition organizers Goldfish, fish could be cast before the race but some are cast by the time the race walking fish. In addition to spreading the fish pretty much, the fishing competition organizers also provide a number of prizes for the winners.

Criteria winner is determined by the heaviest acquisition perekor (commonly called Fish Super or baboon) and the acquisition time recording first obtained, or often called the toughest fastest. Swimming Fishing Competition Goldfish Competition is generally held on Sunday, starting the morning and ends in the afternoon. The amount of tickets to be participants in the race depends on the total number of fish stocked, the total number of prizes and the estimated number of participants. At the end of the nomination race winner determined ranked I, II, III and so on. To attract participants fishing competition, in addition to the main prize was generally the organizers also provide a consolation prize (commonly called fish tape). The consolation prize criteria can be different in each location anglers, fish biasanta is marked with rope and anglers who managed to lift it deserves a consolation prize.

Swimming Pancing Galatama

Swimming Pancing Galatamaadalah fishing pond the race with system Galatama. System mancing Galatama more apply the elements of tournament mancing, wherein there are rules-rules which applied such as long of time mancing, limitation the use of system bunches of fishing rods, and type of materials bait who is allowed. Is different with the system of mancing who has been called above, on system Galatama the results of fish the acquisition of not taken home. Number of fish who stocked in empang Galatama very much once, this become main attraction for fans of mancing Galatama, where the greater empang with scattered fish which abundant will make the more and more anglers interested to bergalatama in pond such.

Fishing pond Goldfish Galatama Implementation Galatama fishing can be done every day. Restrictions on fishing time Galatama called round or session, a committee set duration, between 1 to 4 hours. There are also special sessions and tournaments such as packet Galatama that period where events between 3 to 8 hours. This Galatama fishing system is the race because there are champions and prize distribution at the end of time fishing. For a general prize money, the amount depending on the number of participants. Prizes offered are the result of ticket money collected by the net into the right part of the committee. Criteria winner is determined in accordance with the agreement between the angler or determined by the fishing pond owner Galatama. Criteria include champion champion fastest heaviest fish, red fish champion, champion the acquisition of fish and total weight winner unit total acquisition amount of fish.     


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