Ornamental Fish Business Opportunity

Ornamental Fish Business Opportunity - known as ornamental fish farming potential commodities for export business. The phenomenon of the free market more exciting international ornamental fish market. This opportunity should be used by Indonesia. In developing the ornamental fish business is relatively easy, everyone could do it away from children to the elderly. If we seriously pursue this effort we can really obtain great results. For marketing was quite easy, from the middle to lower to upper middle.

There are 2 kinds of fish, freshwater fish and saltwater fish. But most businesses choose more fish freshwater fish as a business. Because basically freshwater fish is easier than that in sea water.

There are several types of freshwater fish like the previous post | popular goldfish. And examples of freshwater fish that other fish are oskar, louhan fish, betta fish, koi fish, arowana fish, and many species of freshwater fish.

1. Ornamental Fish Business properties Flexible and Profitable

Nature of the ornamental fish business is very flexible which can be done as a sideline, can also be done as a primary occupation. Not infrequently some farmers who initially pursue the cultivation of fish consumption such as catfish, tilapia, carp, and so switched to his other ornamental fish farming. All was done because of the economic potential of ornamental fish farming is more lucrative than fish consumption.

Fish consumption is rewarded with a kilogram system, ornamental fish valued by the system per tail. Ornamental fish farming results further emphasize the quality that can be done on less land, and can be done as a sideline. If you do not have a large pond, ornamental fish farming can be done in the aquarium or cement tanks are quite small. If the available land is small enough, we should be more selective in maintaining ornamental fish.

Ornamental fish are kept pretty good quality, while the lack of good quality should take place as soon diafkir. Because like sometimes ornamental fish enthusiasts willing to spend money to millions of dollars to have a fish that his dream idamkannya. This is what sometimes makes ornamental fish prices soar.

Factor beauty of ornamental fish also contribute to determine the price. In general, fish that have shape, color, beautiful style would be worth quite expensive. Herein lies the key to the successful cultivation of ornamental fish, fish produces beautiful and good quality.

Until now freshwater fish is one type of non-oil export commodities fisheries sector can contribute substantial foreign exchange. With a wealth of ornamental fish were plentiful then the chances of Indonesia as an exporter of this commodity is wide open. So the Fish Farming
Ornamental worth intensified in the community.

Ornamental fish farming is one of the businesses that provide alternative sources of income to improve the income of farmers / entrepreneurs ornamental fish. Ornamental fish farming developed enough prospect. This is due to the cultivation of ornamental fish has the following advantages:

>  Easily absorbed and applied technology, because the technology used is quite simple 
> Ornamental fish farming to commercialized household / small business, do not require large tracts of land 
> Capital turnover quickly, can be harvested in a short period of time. Ornamental fish farming is able to      Absorb labor. 
> Promising markets, both domestic and export.

2. Export potential of the Great Indonesian Ornamental Fish

Indonesian export potential ornamental fish, both fresh water and sea water, large enough. Almost all countries like ornamental fish products from Indonesia. Fadel said the true potential of Indonesian ornamental fish exports could reach U.S. $ 65 million. If that number is reached then Indonesia will compete with Singapore. The potential serious when treated between governments and all stakeholders ornamental fish from Indonesia, then Indonesia will be able to talk a lot in the international market and become the largest exporter in the world ahead of Singapore.

3. Ornamental Fish Market share of the Very Broad

Ornamental fish business has some comparative advantage of them do not require a lot of capital. Ornamental fish market is never saturated and businesses can empower communities through small industries for export. Recipient country exports freshwater and marine species Indonesia are Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, America, and the European Union. Meanwhile, the Commerce Director Foreign DKP, Saut P Hutagalung, said that the decline in exports of ornamental fish does occur every year, for the diversion of export destinations to the Middle East are also explored in order to increase exports of ornamental fish again. For 2011, Europe became the next target market.

4. Coordination with Airlines

CTF with PT Garuda Indonesia (Garuda) to export ornamental fish. Expected with this cooperation, export of ornamental fish from Indonesia to Europe and North America could be done directly without having to go through Singapore. The direct flight will plan, direct export of ornamental fish can Cibinong to the destination country. "This step was taken because Garuda Indonesia already has routes to Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Japan. Garuda ready to support the efforts of the CTF. Besides saving more time, the risk of death in the ornamental fish trips can also be reduced because of shorter travel time. Due kemampuanmaksimal fish taken in the journey was about 2 x 24 hours. P2HP seek airline that does direct flights to Europe provides most of the room in the trunk of aircraft to transport products ornamental fish.

5. Consumer tastes Foreign Different

Ornamental fish consumers in each country has different tastes. Thus, any type generated will be absorbed. Its all there. Middle Eastern societies tastes different from European society. Middle Eastern societies prefer ornamental fish with great form. Arowana fish is a fish that is favored by Middle Eastern societies, as well as several other marine water ornamental fish.

  While Americans and Europeans are more like fish resulting from cultivation of any kind. This is because the people of Europe have high awareness to the conservation and preservation of the species. While Australia has a taste that is more free. Almost any kind of fish can go into the country. Whatever the type, derived from natural or not, for they are not the problem.

  While the Japanese prefer Arowana fish. However, it is a favorite fish of the Japanese not super red arowana fish that is much sought after and the price is quite high which could reach 40 million. Japanese people like arowana with short form called arowana sumo. If so, then the true potential of Indonesian fish exports is quite large.

Several stages of running a business of ornamental fish, among others:

 >     site selection

Location to sell ornamental fish is relatively easy, if we do not have a large place to market, we can use the porch as a place, and the most important strategic place.

 >     Target marketing

Target marketing is the most important thing in doing business Seatu, because if we are not exactly choose a target marketing, we will be difficult to market. If it happens it will affect our earnings over time will occur bankruptcy and eventually shut down. Thus it is no less important factor is the marketing targets.

>     equipment

Equipment required in the ornamental fish business manifold. Examples such as the Aquarium, accessories, pumps, filters, and others.

>     The types of fish

This type of fish should be determined in advance and must comply with our marketing targets. If we set our marketing targets the lower middle class, we can sell ornamental fish such as Betta fish, goldfish, koi fish. If you want to assign to the upper middle class, we can sell Louhan fish, arowana fish, Discus fish and others.


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