fish Landuk

Fish Landuk (Lethrinus elongatus) of the family Lethrinidae also recognized as a coney and Luping among the population of Sabah. Landuk physical characteristics are mouthed tapered elongated, brown and white bertompok body, hard and whitish scales below the stomach.

Landuk food is krustasia, juvenile fish, small fish and squid. Landuk at the base of rocky habitat, and coral tukun. Habitat in the state of Sabah, East Coast and Northern Peninsula.

Although the medium-sized, landuk have its own power when he ran kerana bait fish but the weaker base surface when approached. In general, this species weighing between 1 to 7 kilograms. With body size can reach 100 cm.

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 The head darker color then fades to white belly. Fin in a transluscent or yellow color. Other body signs are variable. Conspicously mouth red interior. Commonly found in sandy coastal environment around reefs and rocky.

Here, Lethrinus elongatus usually often in the position of 'hanging' above the coral reefs, their movement is just a spectacle around him, occasionally pectoral fins are used to maintain stability and direction. This capability allows the species to take advantage of nutrient-rich foods midwater, which includes small crabs, mantis shrimp, small fish and sea worms.

Shoaling very common during the summer in tropical waters when breeding occurs. It is closely related to the lunar cycle and spawning occurs on the full moon. Fish that teenagers begin to be distributed by ocean currents and rarely occurs in large numbers near the coastal waters, the Indo-West Pacific. For adult fish / big can be found in deeper water up to 200 meters range.


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