How to Release Fish

We Fishworlds - At the moment we are using the lure of goods - goods that are harmful to the survival of fish and other aquatic animals. Therefore we must use it wisely and take - care that survival of fish and other aquatic animals maintained its sustainability. Especially for those of you anglers in the river or a place - other natural places, so that one day our children can still feel the thrill of fishing the fish in the wild.

Segerakan to end the resistance of fish

The most exciting thing for the angler is when the fish struck the bait fish and fight with it to bring it to the mainland. But we must not linger - long fight with the fish, so the fish can be returned sehta when kit released back into the wild.

Off the hook with a heart - heart

To keep the fish alive of course we have to be - careful removing the hook lodged in the fish's mouth so as not to get hurt too badly. So there is still a possibility the fish is alive when we release back into nature. If the hook is too deep and hard to inedible off, it would be better if we cut it rather than having to force off, the worse it will hurt the fish.

Prepare a wet cloth

Suda lifted when the fish, make sure we hold the fish with a wet cloth we have. The goal is to keep the fish skin to keep it moist and fish slime is not lost. If the fish slime is gone then the fish will be susceptible to disease and other bacteria.

Help the fish to breathe again

At the time of going to release the fish into the water do not jump off, because the fish is still stress and fatigue. The fishing power has been drained away by the time to take the fight to the angler. In addition, the fish will also weak with too much loss of oxygen while in the land to be removed from the hook and sometimes for a photo session.


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