Pearl Sepat (Trichogaster leeri)

Pearl Sepat (Trichogaster leeri) is a type of freshwater fish carp tribe members (Osphronemidae). In English is called Pearl Gourami, Mosaic or Lace Gourami Gourami refers to the color pattern of beautiful speckled with black stripes on the side of his body.


Flat-bodied fish and narrow pointy snout, tail along the whole length of up to 120mm. Gray or bluish with a grain pattern greenish or similar silvery pearls aplenty. A dark colored band running on the middle side of the body, starting from the tip of the snout through the eye and end up with a rash on the base of the tail. Males are more colorful, the throat and the front of the anal fin is reddish.
Dorsal fin formula, V-VII (of fingers or spines) and 8-10 (soft fingers), and the anal fin XII-XIV, 25-30. 30-37 lateral line of fruit. Standard length (without the tail) is approximately 2.4 times the height. A pair of leading edge radius on the pelvic fins turned into a tentacle-like whips or crops, which extends into the tail, complemented by a pair of short spines and 2-3 tassels.

Agihan and habitat

Snakeskin pearls spread from Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Kalimantan up. These fish are residents of low-lying marshes that aqueous slightly acidic. These fish are usually happy to be close to half the depth of the water surface.

Maintenance in the aquarium
Size and condition
To maintain a pair of pearl Sepat should use ponds or aquariums are at least 60 liters; bigger size would be better, because these fish will show symptoms of stress when feeling constrained office. The water temperature should range between 22-28 ° C (72-82 ° F). Surface water should be in direct contact with the open air, so that the fish labyrinth organ to function properly. Aquarium completeness required of them was appropriate substrate and ornaments, water plants, water filters, lighting, and maintenance.
Snakeskin pearl is a peace-loving fish. This fish can live mixed with other types of fish, but you should not be combined with fish that are aggressive or overly active. Also need to be maintained so that the aquarium is not too full of pearls Sepat is not perturbed. The sign, Sepat male can suddenly attack or bully other fish that was bothering him.
Snakeskin pearl is an omnivore, eating everything. In the aquarium, the fish can be fed dry as pellets or dried tubifex worms. Every now and then, can also be given live food such as tiny shrimp.


To spawn spot, aquarium need to be equipped with floating water plants. Here the male fish will make a nest or hive foam bubbles of saliva, as a place to spawn and keep egg to hatch later. Courtship and spawning will take place in the nest, and after the egg is released and fertilized, the female Sepat will be driven out by the male. As with other types Sepat, the male will guard the pearl Sepat these eggs to hatch.
Once spawning females usually will issue 150-200 eggs. Fish eggs will hatch after 24 hours later. The next couple of days to seed (the children of fish) begin actively swimming. At that time the male fish should be separated from their children, so that seed-seed is not eaten. Children can fish initially fed microscopic shrimp, and the following weeks can be fed dry mashed.


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