FEED carp



Fish Feeding Gurame
Omnivorous fish, including carp (omnivores). Young carp larvae eat microscopic animals such as rotifers, infusoria, moina, or daphnia living as peripiton. Carp seed prefers insect larvae, Crustaceae, zooplankton, or silk worms. While adults tend to be a carp water plant eaters. Food and feeding habits of carp can be changed according to the circumstances of his life or correlated with the availability of food.

To meet the nutritional intake of fish, carp fish farmers usually give artificial feed (pellets) that have been adapted to the needs of the fish average between 3-5% of the weight of carp biomass per day. Artificial feeding is considered to be more practical, and more scalable than natural food. In the feeding, in addition to the type of food, farmers also have to pay attention to the biological properties of cultured carp, for example, when the habit of actively feeding fish that can feed fish to support optimal growth.


classification of Seed           Water height (cm)            type Feed

separating I                             30 – 40                      - Natural food (zooplankton,  
                                                                                   worms or pellets delicate silk and fish meal)
separating II                            40 – 50                      - Fish meal, cake or crumb
separating III                           50 – 60                      - Pellet crumb / small pellets
separating IV                          60 – 80                       - Pellets and foliage such as leaves or taro leaves,  
                                                                                    spinach, or potatoes
separating V                           80 – 100                     - Pellets and or leaves


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