How eel Fish Farming

How eel Fish Farming Fish eel ( Anguilla bicolor ) , including familiAnguillidae , Apodes order . Indonesia's estimated there are at least five (5) types of eel fish , namely : Anguilla encentralis , A. bicolor bicolor , A. borneonsis , A. Pacifica bicolor , and A. celebensis . Eels fish may not be known by many people here . But , in many countries eel so food was very expensive prima donna .Eel export demand continues...
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Corydoras (Corydoras semiaquilus)

Know at a glance Corydoras Fish Ornamental Fish - Overview Know Fish Corydoras - Corydoras is one kind of freshwater fish are much in demand by fans of ornamental fish in Indonesia and can be fishery products for export . Aside from being a freshwater fish , in developed countries Corydoras fish can be used as raw material for the manufacture of cosmetic products . Although this fish originated in Latin America , but...
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chef lionhead

In Japan , lionhead goldfish is one strain of the ranchu . Strain goldfish is what is considered the king of goldfish , goldfish and even dubbed the most handsome . Ranchu goldfish himself recorded already in Japan since 1704 . In Indonesia it is called lionhead lion head ( because the head shape that resembles a lion ) , or ranchu . Characteristic of lionhead goldfish , no fins on his back . Thus there are only 5 fins alone...
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Fish Botia India

Botia fish family Cobitidae India entered into with entities similar to a jet plane, with the mouth slightly bent downward. Compress the body with lots of black lines cut transversely body. The length of these fish can reach 10 cm. Has a tentacle tip of mouth to stir the bottom in search of food. Fish of the genus Botia nocturnalatau generally are active at night. Botia live in bottom waters and like to hide in their dens.Needed...
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Maintain Ornamental Fish and Aquariums

Here is a series of tips and helpful hints for beginners to undergo hobby maintain Ornamental Freshwater Fish. Freshwater Ornamental Fish species can live in a certain very long time if cared for properly. Therefore, you must have a long-term commitment before starting or maintaining fish Ornamental Fish Culture. Here are the steps you need to do before you start raising fish or Ornamental Fish Aquaculture:Find as much...
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Goldfish Glass

Characteristic of this fish is part of his body not covered in scales. The part that is not covered scales cursory look clear, like glass. Along the lateral line (linea lateralis) around the base of the fins and scales are shiny white. The scales are large and not unifor...
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Fancy Goldfish

Carp body shape is elongated. Scales are white, yellow, and red. In the body there are black spots. Because of varying colors that are called fancy goldfis...
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Goldfish Kancra Domas

Elongated body shape. Movements resemble goldfish taiwan, which is always active and less benign. Scales are small and irregular structure. Color scales vary, there are blue, brown, or green. Scales back dark. Getting to the stomach, the brighter the color is silvery or golde...
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Goldfish Kumpay

Prominent features of kumpai goldfish fins are long and tufted all looked so wonderful while it is moving. Color scales vary widely, there are white, yellow, red, and dark green. Elongated body form like carp sinyonya. Growth is slow. Sometimes, this goldfish is also used as a food fis...
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Local Goldfish

The actual goldfish can not be classified as one race or type of carp. Nonetheless, this fish is the most commonly found in the field and the most widely known by fish farmers today.Body shape and the color is a combination of several types of goldfish that already exist. In general, elongated body shape and her eyes are not slanted. The fish most likely arise due to uncontrolled cross-breeding with other types of carp others...
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Goldfish Yamato

Carp is less popular among farmers in Indonesian carp. Elongated body shape. Green-brown scales. The carp are found and cultivated in East Asia, such as China and Japa...
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Goldfish Majalaya

As the name implies, this carp was first developed in the area Majalaya, Bandung regency, West Java. Body size, relatively short and the back is bent and taper compared with other goldfish races. Comparison between the length and his height is 3,2:1.Her shape tapering toward the back and flattened snout shape. Nature of carp is relatively benign and common swimming on the water surface. Gray-green scales and darker edges,...
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Red Goldfish

Characteristic of this goldfish is red golden scales. Active movements, not tame, and most like poking the bottom. Relatively elongated body shape. Compared with sinyonya race, comparatively lower back position and no taper. His eyes were slightly protrudin...
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Goldfish Taiwan

Taiwan goldfish has an elongated body shape and form slightly rounded back like a bow. Scales yellowish green to reddish yellow at the edge of the anal fin and the tail fin on the bottom. Taiwan carp are very responsive to food that will fight each other when fed. Allegedly carp ancestors are from Taiwan, later introduced and developed in Indonesi...
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Goldfish Sinyonya or daughter Yogya

It is not known for sure the origin of the name of this fish, although there is an argument that this sinyonya strain carp fish species that are taxonomically selection results include Cyprinus Linnaeus and species first found in the area of ​​Tasikmalaya, West Java (Khairuman and Amri 2008). Some people said, it is easy to carp spawn so called sinyonya. Elongated body shape (long bodied form) and the shoulder is lower than...
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Goldfish Punten

This race was first developed in 1933 in the village of Punten, Malang, East Java. Body is relatively short, but the width and height of the backplate. Because of this, goldfish physique impressed Punten membuntak or short round (big belly). Comparison between total length and height are 2,3-2,4:1. Color scales dark green, slightly bulging eyes, slow body movements, and are benig...
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Types of Goldfish (Carp)

Currently, many types of goldfish that circulated among farmers, both types are not too high quality to superior types. Each region has a favorite type of goldfish, for example, in West Java, the most popular goldfish is a type of "carp Majalaya". In other areas, this is not necessarily the preferred type, and vice versa. The differences are usually influenced by the tastes and habits of the farmers who cultivate them...
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