Axelrod Rasbora (Sundadanio axelrodi )

Axelrod Rasbora (Sundadanio axelrodi) is a small, very exotic fish from Indonesia. Mini fish are believed to be native fish of the Sunda islands of Borneo and Sumatra and Riau kepulauam including Bangka island on the eastern side of Sumatra, but the population is definitely only found in Borneo. This fish is very similar to Neon Tetra fish of the Amazon, both in terms of size and color. Axelrod Rasbora has several variations of colors according to the habitat in which they are found. On the island of Borneo, this fish is found in parts of Sarawak with the color green / blue, while in western Borneo is red / orange. Size is fairly small fish about 20-22 mm so it is suitable for aquascape.


Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : Chordata
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         : Cypriniformes
Family       : Danioninae
genus        : Sundadanio
species      : Sundadanio axelrodi
Characters from Axelrod rasbora is peaceable and regular live in groups with less than 20-30 individuals. Although the peaceable character, these fish are not always suitable when in pair with other fish in the tank it is because of their small size. Tankmate matching is kind of like Boraras rasbora, Eirmotus, and Trigonostigma, while tankmate of other suitable types are Nannostomus anduzei, N. mortenthaleri, Paracheirodon simulans and Hyphessobrycon amandae. Environmental conditions that need to be considered when maintenance at the Aquarium is at a temperature of 23-260C and pH 4 - 6.5. Axelrod rasbora an omnivorous species with a mini-size meals. In the wild, these fish usually eat small crustaceae (water fleas), silk worms, insect larvae and other zooplankton. In maintenance in the aquarium, the fish is hard to accept dry food fish although in some cases it will try to receive it. Instead, give the fish food that almost resembles the food in the wild live or frozen foods such as Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, grindal and blood worms. Feeding needs to be considered to maintain the beauty or kstabilan original color of this fish.

In general, the male fish will color more intense and more slender than the female. In the same color, the males sometimes have darker colored anal fin on the surface in which females generally transparent anal fins. There is something unique about this fish, which when disturbed or removed from the water (highly not recommended), this fish would sound like to uncover. The sound is also heard when males fight each other or compete with its rivals. Some scientists hypothesize that this noise is caused by the grinding of cartilage opposite the pectoral fins with dots of muscle tissue as a drum. The process of breeding difficult in the tank due to fluctuating water conditions cause fish to spawn in hard tangky apart. 


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