Black Darter Tetra (Poecilocharax weitzmani)

Black Darter Tetra or Black Morpho Tetra (Poecilocharax weitzmani) is a Characidae fish are scattered from Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Venezuela. These fish are often found on the surface of the major rivers, including the Rio Negro there, Rio Orinoco and Rio Solimoes. In general, fast-flowing river habitat is weak in the basic rainforest with sand and leaf litter, stems and roots are submerged in water. Habitat of this type usually there is little vegetation surface with thick rain forest on it so that the environment be protected from direct sunlight. Water conditions are suitable for this fish is at a temperature of 21.7 to 27.8 0C and pH 3 - 6.5. Usually the water where life is contains less minerals, less buffer and brown due to the release of tannins and other organic matter due to weathering plant material.
Black Darter tetra small adult size about 4-5 cm. Very beautiful body color with a black stripe along the body began to shine on the back of the gills to the base of the tail. In contrast to the general class of tetra that live in groups, this fish is a solitary life, but also not easy to stress when kept in groups. These fish will choose to reside below the stem or roots of plants, and many hiding except at meal time. They are very quiet, shy and gentle, the other fish in the tank are active, especially at meal time will cause the fish are hiding and not eating. If necessary feeding directly in front of the fish because if there are other fish that came then he will run away and not eating.


Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : Chordata
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         : Characiformes
Family       : Crenuchidae
genus        : Poecilocharax
species      : Poecilocharax weitzmani
Black Darter Tetra actually micropredator with food in their habitat is the larval aquatic insects, crustaceans, worms and sometimes baby fish. This fish is known to be difficult to stop eating the food of life, but some hobbies have had success with feeding dry food like pellets. Daphnia and Artemia can be used as alternative daily food fish. Since it is difficult to feeding, the fish is not recommended for beginners and hobbies require specialist treatment.
To make into money sexes fairly easy to do. Lighter colored male fish with flag-like dorsal fin, while females tend to be ordinary. Breeding techniques can be performed at the aquarium. The main requirement in the breeding tank is a hole or a length of plastic pipe. Water pH should be maintained between 4-5 with a low hardness. The food provided should be small to make the live feed to the fish spawning conditions. Males will choose territorinya in one hole or more depending on the number of rivals. Once ready breeding, males will enhance the white color on the body, pelvic fin thicken the end, and the female will be more visible black anal fins tend to be reddish. Breeding process will take a few days to produce eggs.

Eggs usually be placed on the roof or ceiling pipes and holes have been selected by fish as spawning. Eggs are released usually numbering 50 to 100 grains. Males will guard the eggs during incubation and will use the flick of fin caudalnya to get rid of the eggs were not fertile. They hatch after 4-5 days. Males usually be paired with a second female during incubation and the eggs produced are placed in the remaining space in the main nest. Therefore, it is advisable to move the eggs first pipe to another tank and replace it with a new pipe for the next spawn. Puppies that have been able to swim the fish have enough mouths to feed on Artemia nauplli, at this time the male will stop vigilance. After maintenance is complete then the male should be separated to prevent male chicks eating fish. Males who have separated should be given a lot of food because she does not eat during the child custody.


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