Diseases of Arowana Fish

Diseases of Fish Arowana - Arowana Fish (Scleropages formosus), is a rare species of fish including Indonesia with native habitat in Kalimantan and Papua. Arowana, belong to the group of primitive fish that evolved over 10 million years. Arowana fish has a distinctive body shape, as well as a bit haughty gallant memorable.
Coupled with barbels on its mouth and large scales with a harmonious structure, this raises unique beauty of Arowana fish is very prominent. Arowana fish swim calmly up when kept in an aquarium will make arowana fish really looks as elegant.

Certainly very pleased and proud to have and maintain all kinds of fish as our pets. But sometimes we have to face an obstacle, one of the obstacles to maintain or cultivate fish Arowana fish Arowana is that we have such Redspot disease, fungus, Bite, Tail, and other stress that can lead to death. Here are some diseases in arowana fish are often found along with the symptoms and overcome them.

1. Curved Arowana illnesses Close Gills

Sometimes we see arowana fish gill cover curved out, until partially visible gills. Arowana fish in such conditions is certainly good unsightly. Arowana fish can die from gill disease with characteristics of arowana fish gills turn black.

Disease-causing gill cover can bend caused by several things, the first one in because of the quality of the water in the aquarium that does not meet the standards of its main arowana fish in an aquarium temperature. Aquarium temperature is too cold and not warm Arowana fish can cause this disease. Another cause is the provision of medicine and drugs too much, attack or it could be a type of bacteria because the water in the aquarium has a low oxygen content. This has an explanation because if the low oxygen content in the water it will make more frequent arowana fish gills opening and closing. Host the opening and closing movements are often not perfect, meaning before the gill cover was completely shut down was reopened to inhale water to meet the oxygen demands. As a result of this movement is not perfect arowana fish gill cover remains open and her body is not normal.

In order to keep the oxygen content in the water remains high can be overcome by providing sufficient aeration in the aquarium. If necessary aerators replaced with more power. After that do not forget to maintain the overall quality of the aquarium water in order to stay well and still be habitable by arowana.

To treat the disease Arowana fish gill cover curved, can be overcome with a sick arowana fish clamped between two glass clamps in the bucket and give pure oxygen directly towards the gills. When a curved gill cover is not too severe, it can be corrected with minor surgery on the edge of the gill cover.

2. Tail Bite Disease

Arowana fish generally will exhibit other than usual before biting its own tail. Arowana fish will look agitated by swimming back and forth to and fro. In later days will be torn torn tail fin membranes to resemble a comb and all that remains is the radius of the fins. The only minor symptoms initially and will grow long and not infrequently part of the flipper fingers will be lost.

Tail bite disease is generally caused by a kind of parasite that attaches to the tail arowana fish and itchy incredible. Arowana fish deal with it swam back and forth and biting its tail until it looks ragged.

Treatment of the disease is relatively easy to bite the tail. Arowana fish first move into another aquarium a clean (sterile) and are filled with water that meets the requirements. Put about 20 drops of medicine Tropical Medicine and let Fish Arowana fish remained in it for several days. Drain and clean the aquarium after the original order is returned later to occupy back arowana fish without a worry in the afflicted back.

3. Squint Eye Disease

Squint eye disease caused by several things. Arowana fish too often hunt small fish at the bottom or corner of the aquarium is considered as one of the main causes. Many say that we should give the arowana fish food just floats just at the surface of the water. Arowana fish too often see small fish under or in the corner can lead to muscle his eyes grew longer. Drooping eye or squint can also be caused due to lack arowana obtain enough sunlight. This is related to the properties of sunlight on the growth of the human eye.

In order to treat crossed eyes can be done by moving arowana in a broader and obtain direct sunlight while being fed floating. The place chosen to be a tub of fiberglass or cement tanks. By the way 80% arowana will usually recover, another way is to perform minor surgery.

4. Arowana Fish Will not Eat

Arowana fish is not eating normally too often given a centipede live. Arowana fish reluctant to eat other foods including a dead centipede. When hunger strikes arowana fish like this then puasakan arowana fish for approximately one week should not be fed anything. After that give other types of food such as crickets, lizards, small frogs, or small fish. If after one week arowana fish meal should not also want to give it to the fish live because live fish survival. Note also that no squint arowana fish should be selected as the surface dwellers guppy.

If this still does not work then we leave it up to the arowana would receive food by itself. Another treatment alternative is to provide a drug Fishes hobbies into 200 liters of water is often used for arowana fish residing. Encapsulated drug is efficacious to cure various diseases and stress and to stimulate appetite arowana fish. Another option if all does not work, give it a week once a centipede off alternate with other foods.

5. Scales Stand On Arowana Disease

Sometimes we have arowana fish scales up and sometimes there are some who rot, usually caused by a dirty environment. Changing the aquarium water regularly can prevent disease arowana fish scales from the stand. For arowana fish that are affected by this disease can be given ammonium sulfate at a dose of 100-200 mg/1kg arowana fish weight as a medicine.

6. Fish anal red and swollen

If we look at the rectum red arowana fish and swelling do not think that they are in heat. That's the sign arowana fish are difficulties that can lead to death. Anal arowana fish flushed and swollen due to inappropriate feeding clean. This leads to impaired digestion arowana fish difficulty in passing stools.

Arowana fish in order not experienced anything like this then the food must be cleaned before given to arowana. Whatever type of food commonly given life should be fasted for 1-2 days beforehand. Arowana fish which have undergone rectal swelling and redness may be treated with ammonium sulfate at a dose of 100-200 mg/1kg arowana fish weight as a medicine.

7. Broken tail Arowana Fish

This disease is caused due to the size of the aquarium that is too narrow. D next to it can also be caused by poor handling. For example, at the time moved arowana rebel or the first time they entered into the aquarium to swim fast and plow. Because the cause is due to technical factors that should be carefully handled.

8. Crooked Spine

This disease can occur for several reasons. Firstly because of the attack of bacteria that enter the body to cause growth arowana fish back abnormal. Another cause is due to a mistake in giving the medication. Cause of the latter is due to the size of the aquarium that is too small. In order to prevent this then place the Arowana fish into an aquarium that size is enough. Keep arowana fish aquarium that is not plagued with bacteria and do not give the wrong drug.

9. Tentacle protrudes into the Lower

A healthy Arowana fish have barbels look forward. But often also arowana fish limp whiskers jutting down. It is a sign that the arowana fish is in an environment that is not supposed to. In order to restore its original condition arowana fish should aquarium water temperature and cleanliness are of greater concern.

10. Tentacle grows short

Arowana fish barbels sometimes do not grow perfectly and looks awkward with their bulky shape. Arowana fish unbalanced grouse may occur due to put in an aquarium that is too narrow. Almost the same as the cause of your back bent, short Maunder arowana fish can also be caused by medication errors. In order to obtain a normal tentacle growth can be done by cleaning the aquarium and change the water regularly. Do not forget, place it in the aquarium arowana commensurate with the great body.

11. Tails and fins shrink

Arowana fish has a tail and fins are shrinking can occur if the water in the aquarium too dirty or the water temperature is too low. Handling the heat by adding re-organize and clean the aquarium heater. Drugs can also be given sufficient ammonium sulfate.

12. Misty eyes

Foggy eyes or "Clear Eye" is characterized by the whitening arowana fish cornea. Outer surface of the eye such as coated by a thin layer of white. Generally these symptoms in because by the deteriorating water quality conditions, mainly as a result of increased levels of ammonia in the water. If symptoms occur misty eyes, then things must be suspected first is the condition of the water. Correction parameters to suit the purposes of water Arowana fish is concerned. If these symptoms occur while the water parameters under normal circumstances, it is possible that these symptoms are caused by something else.

Some things that can trigger a misty eye is:

     Secondary infection, following the occurrence of physical damage to the eye.
     Excessive mucus production, usually as a result of a reaction against the protozoan parasite infestation (skin mucous membrane disease); deteriorating water quality (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate), pH values ​​that do not fit; poisoning (chlorine / kloramin), or due to behavioral treatment delivery that do not fit.
     Diplostomum (fluke of the eye). In the case of the white part of the eye is the lens, not the outer surface of the eye.
     Infeksti external bacteria
     Vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamin A, B, and C. Misty eye symptoms may also be accompanied by Exophtahlmia (Pop Eye / Eyes bulging), malaise, or irritation.

Treatment and recovery misty eyes should refer to the causes that caused. Therefore, look carefully and try identifying possible causes before recovery action.


The core of all diseases in arowana fish is poor water quality, quality aquarium and cage. in order to keep the water quality as required by arowana fish ranging from temperature, aerator, oxygen content and filtration. Meanwhile, place the fish in the aquarium arowana in the aquarium which has a length of at least 3x Arowana fish body length and width of at least 2x body length arowana fish, bigger is certainly better. As for the food can be given a variety of live foods.


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