Marine Ornamental Fish Type

Ornamental Fish Type Sea are manifold, there are several types of marine aquarium fish most often maintained and looks pretty interesting. The marine ornamental fish species including reef fish is usually included in, the class of the class of ornamental fish following:
1. Class or so-called fish Angelfish Angel
2. Butterfly class or so-called butterfly fish
3. Surgeonfish class or commonly known as tang fish
4. Clownfish class or commonly known as clown fish
5. Damselfish class or commonly known as fish damselfish.

Angelfish (Angel Fish)

Angel fish are very strong fish and can live for a long time if we care properly. Whole fish including angel means protogynous hermaphrodites can change sex, sexual beginnings status of the female, then turns into a male after reaching a certain size. Angel fish live mostly solitary, more fun in the shallow waters between 6-50 feet (2-20 meters). But there are also some species that live in deep water about 150 feet (50 meters), therefore there are fish that have a territorial nature
Angel seawater fish, angel fish has three main sizes. Moreover, the uniqueness of angel fish there on the changing patterns of color while still puppies into adulthood.

Butterfly (butterfly fish)

Butterfly fish including the Order Perciformes and Sub-Percoidei incoming orders in Families Chaetodontidae (Butterfly), where there are 13 classes and nearly 130 species, either existing or description yet.

These fish include large family, likely composed of colorful fish that can be found in the wild. Butterfly body shaped like a flat disc and its size is not too big about 6 inches (15 cm). In addition to the size and color pattern, butterfly fish, including fish-friendly. Unfortunately butterfly fish require water quality is stable and not easy to make a butterfly fish eat the feed, where the main food is the butterfly fish live food such as coral polyps, Crustacea and algae.

Conditions suitable for butterfly fish is a rather high temperature and salinity levels also seemed to fit like a coral reef life is 1.025 ppm. If possible, you should choose the Butterfly anakannya than adults because they may be more quickly adapted as C. Auriga and C. Kleinii. Although the taxonomy of the various types of fish are constantly updated, butterfly fish levels were last recorded in August 2004.Untuk genus Chaetodon, they are very wide spread area is in the western and central Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, Japan and the west coast of southeast sea and eastern Australia, continue to the Atlantic Ocean. Butterfly fish is one fish that are maintained by the hobbies most saltwater fish.

Surgeonfish (tang fish)

Surgeonfish family fish fish aquarium is one of the most recognizable saltwater in the trade. Surgeonfish relatively large families with them mencpai smallest size of about 8 inches long in captivity. The biggest of fish pliers can reach a length of more than 3 meters. Surgeonfish found throughout the world's oceans and tropical fish are some of the most colorful in the wild. Surgeonfish included in the family Acanthuridae, which means spiny tail. All surgeonfish have a small knife like protrusions near the tail.

Two members of the surgeonfish family is very popular for lovers of sea water ornamental fish or saltwater aquariums. Surgeonfish can be found on stickers, magazines, banner ads and a variety of other products. The tang fish known as the Blue Tang and Yellow Tang

Clownfish (clown fish)

Clown fish we used to know in the movie fish Nemo is actually derived from Giru and tribes within tribes Amphiprioninae Pomacentridae. There are 28 known species one of which is the genus and the genus Dascyllus Premnas, while the rest went in the genus Amphiprioninae. clown fish (Clownfish) spread in the pacific ocean including Indonesia, Red Sea, Indian Ocean and a large reef Australia.

Damselfish (fish damselfish)

Damselfish one fish species, Stegates nigircans, apparently selectively 'cut' certain algae in corals, and let the type of red algae Polysiphonia to grow. Damselfish algal initernyata craze, thin delicate algae that we often encounter a new coat coral die (Left Dead Coral) or who have not shaped (Rock). Polysiphonia group itself consists of more than 100 species, and to distinguish it needed a microscope.   


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