Flagtail Characin (Semaprochilodus taeniurus)

Flagtail Characin (Semaprochilodus taeniurus) or also known as Silver prochilodus are found in the middle of the Amazon river, Brazil, precisely in lakes, rivers and creeks rainforest. The body is silver-colored fish with large scales body. All fins and reddish orange tail, but the tail, dorsal and anal fins have a large horizontal stripes in black. In the head and gills have a subtle red color. In young fish do not appear and the color orange is still dominant silver, orange color appears as you get older. Eating Flagtail Characin is the main vegetable. This fish is more than the type of vegetarian diet must eat to live. The preferred types of vegetables such as algae, spinach, lettuce, cucumber and some frozen food.

Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : Chordata
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         : Characiformes
Family      :  Prochilodontidae
genus       ; Semaprochilodus
species     : Semaprochilodus taeniurus
Flagtail Characin can grow to a maximum length of 30 cm, therefore care in aquarium requires a vast space. Suitable tank size is 150 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm. In terms of decorating the tank, the fish is not too fussy, but to make it more comfortable in the tank can be set with a natural setting appropriate environment. Substrate tank using river sand with a few branches or roots. The water temperature is maintained at the temperature level of 23-29 0C and pH 5,5 - 7,5. The growth of algae in the tank does not need to worry because these fish will eat it. Putting plants in the tank is also not a good option since these fish will eat soft leaved plants. Flagtail Characin can be territorial when he felt did not have enough space to swim.

Although it tends to herbivores, the fish is actually omnivorous diet. In addition to vegetables, they also eat dry food and frozen blood worms as though it's rare. Flagtail Characin will be more aggressive when kept in small amounts, but will become aggressive when kept in groups of 6 or more tails. It's better if kept in a species of medium-sized to large on one tank. But it is possible when mixed with other fish such as tankmate Characin another large, Loricaridae, Doradidae, some Cichlid, Arowana, and Pari Knifefish freshwater.

Flagtail characin indistinguishable said that although sex adult females generally have a more rounded stomach than males. Information has never been found breeding of the hobbies. This fish is also never found laying in the tank it is because that is exactly the type of migratory fish before spawning. Flagtail Characin migrate twice a year and hundreds of kilometers. The process of migration to spawning begins during the rainy season, when the fish move out of the waters of rivers and streams clean is nutritious little closer towards the fast-flowing river downstream to spawn. Downstream as spawning and fertilization of the egg is a nutrient-rich food that is suitable for puppies and fish growth. Once the process is completed spawning, the adult fish will migrate back to their places of origin, namely rainforest river to eat over the next 3-4 months. This migration occurs mid rainy season where the fish have reached the rainforest river will migrate toward the creek once again the richer foods. This activity continues until the water level dropped.


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