fish Synodontis

Fish Synodontis is a freshwater fish that come from the African continent. The fish was included in the group of families Mochokidae catfish. Synodontis name comes from the Greek, which means with Syn and odon meaning tooth because the fish bunched up together like Synodontis happy and have mandibular teeth.
This fish is known for its beauty upright dorsal fin and elongated, so often called featherfin catfish. In addition, it also has a habit of swimming upside down so that its beauty and uniqueness, the Synodontis is much-loved by the fans of freshwater fish.


Fish Synodontis (Synodontis eupterus) fish freshwater fish, also known as "up side down". This fish has a dorsal fin (back), anal fin (stomach), fin pectoral (chest) and caudal fin (tail). In addition it has a mustache and a non-toxic patil. These fish are nocturnal and have large eyes and sharp than that fish have a fleshy body and back rise. Length is about 27 cm (10 cm at age 1 year), his skin dark grayish color and has black spots on all parts of his body (Warren, 1989).

Classification of Fish Synodontis
According to Axelrod et al. (1995), Classification Sinodontis fish (Synodontis eupterus) are as follows:
Phylum      : Chordata
Class         : Osteichthyses
Sub Class : Actinopterygii
Order        : Siluriformis
Sub Order: Siluridae
Family      : Mochokidae
Genus      : Synodontis
Species    : Synodontis eupterus

Distribution and Habitat

According to Axelrod et al. (1995), native fish habitat Sinodontis (Synodontis eupterus) is a rivers in the area Zaire, West Africa Regional Cango White Nile and the Niger Basin. While in Indonesia now widely cultivated in the Greater Jakarta area, especially in the central region of freshwater ornamental fish culture.
Fish Sinodontis original habitat like to live on the base Lumpur but many found disubstrat rocky when in areas that are often affected by floods this fish happy hiding under a fallen tree which is where his stagnant water (Warren, 1989).

Ornamental fish in Indonesia has not been widely recognized by the public because it is so broad distribution is not only about the central-central ornamental fish culture therefore Ornamental Fish Aquaculture Research Workshop Freshwater trying to cultivate them and begin to introduce to the public (Ornamental Fish Dektori Depok, 2005) .

Eat and How to Eat

Basically Sinodontis fish are omnivores and prefer to feed at night or nocturnal nature, the wild fish are predatory fish Sinodontis other so aggressive role in a particular environment (Warren, 1989). 

The main meal of fish Sinodontis in nature are insect larvae and sometimes eat algae. On maintenance in the pond or aquarium fish at stadia larvae can eat natural food types and worms while the adult fish can be fed with artificial feed (Warren, 1989).


In general Sinodontis fish is a fish that swim upside down with a happy stomach above or often called fish "up side down". Sinodontis fish in aquarium and pond maintenance in fun swim at the base of the wall and on the edge of a pond or aquarium, and like to hide under rocks contained in the pool (Hardjamulia, 1992).


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