African Butterfly Fish

It is the only fish in the family Pantodontidae. Named "butterfly" because fish have fins resembling butterfly pectoralyang for grabbing prey. These fish grow up to 13 cm long. Life as a predator by eating small fish and insects around the surface of the calm water.

Distribution and habitat In Africa BaratAfrican Butterflyfish can be maintained in the aquarium with a top that should be sealed because of their habit who like to jump. They also prefer to tank with aquatic plants, especially those that float on the surface of the water as a hiding place. Water conditions: pH 6.9 to 7.1 water temperature 25-28 ° C. African Butterflyfish not be preserved fish and fish-eating fin aggressive. These fish are aggressive toward fish that live in atasakuarium so it is better to not mix it with other fish that have a pool area at the top of the aquarium. Forage fish are live insects such as crickets, or it could also be a small fish. Water conditions should be calm and not flowing, so it should not be too strong filtration.



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