Asian Bumblebee Catfis

Grow up to 15 cm in size. Most of the fish found in the river Bangpakong (บางปะกง), Thailand. Shaped like a fish baung, with brown color with yellow stripes on his body. Transparent colored fins with black spots. The fish are still allied with baung fish that live in Indonesia.

To maintain it can be fed in the form of pellets, frozen blood worms or worms. Feed given to fish at night because it will come out to feed at night. Because these fish love to hide in dark places, also provide hiding places can be a black PVC pipe or rocks. Water Conditions: Water temperature 20-27 ° C pH 6.6 - 7.2. These fish are known to eat other smaller fish at night. When kept in a small aquarium will become territorial. This fish can issue a voice while fighting with other fish at night.


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