Banded Archer fish (Toxotes jaculatrix)

Banded Archerfish or Archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix) is a fish that has the ability to shoot water to the insects or other small animals on the surface of the water to fall into the water. Banded archerfish live in freshwater and brackish began in eastern India to the Philippines, Indonesia southern, western australia, oceania papua and islands.

Kingdom    : Animalia
phylum       : Chordata
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          : Perciformes
Family        : Toxotidae
genus         : Toxotes
species       :Toxotes jaculatrix

Banded archerfish live in groups and are not aggressive fish. In this fish growth requires high ynag saliniti and better cared for adult fish in brackish water. Banded archerfish has a silvery white color with some black spots are wide and thick, it is used to berkamoflase in the waters of the mangrove habitat. These fish can grow quite large: 30 cm long and carnivorous invertebrates with the main meal, although occasionally prey on small fish. Banded archerfish living in conditions of water with a temperature of 25 - 300C and pH 7-8. Gender disparities are hard to recognize the fish as did the aquarium breedingnya techniques that have not been reported. The process of laying is expected to occur in a single spawning brackish waters reach 20 000 to 150 000 eggs. However, other estimates say that the spawn occurs at sea. Only a few fish reach adulthood by age 1-2 years. Young fish have a yellow shadow on his upper body between her black pattern.

 Banded unique ability to capture prey archerfish is above the water surface by firing water into the prey. A shot of water that is released very powerful and accurate as a water pistol. Banded archerfish do this by rolling his tongue into the sky - the sky in its mouth, forming a tube and some water with full force to cover the gills removed quickly. Shot of water removed through the nostrils. To get a good shot, the nose of fish released into the surface water, but the rest of the body is still in the water. The eyes are large and located near the mouth causes the accuracy of the shot.


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