Banggai cardinalfish

Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) is a small tropical cardinalfish (familyApogonidae) are very popular used as ornamental fish.


This species only Banggai Islands, Indonesia. This species lives on a very limited geographic range is 5,500 km ² and a population of only around 2.4 million. Banggai cardinalfish an isolated population and are concentrated in shallow peraiaran on 17 major islands and 10 smaller islands, Banggai Islands. Some are small populations in Central Sulawesi Luwuk. Additional populations from Lembeh Strait (North Sulawesi), approximately 400 km north of the original habitat (based on reports from fishermen perdagangkannya 2000).


This species grows to a maximum length of 8 cm has a particular style that contrasts between black and bright white lines. Specific differences that distinguish the cardinalfish other is on the first dorsal fin has pigtails, anal fin and second dorsal fins sticking out the back, forked caudal fin (very deep branches), has a color pattern consisting of 3 pieces of black lines on the head and body, striking black color on the edge of the beginning of the anal fin and the second fin Banggai cardinalfish dorsal.Yang distinguish male and female is the larger male oral cavity and it was only visible when incubating their eggs.

Banggai cardinalfish, species endemic to Indonesia
Banggai cardinalfish Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi


Banggai cardinalfish is the only representative of the family are diurnal. Tropical sea demersal fish that form a stable group consisting of 9 individuals in shallow waters (generally 1.5 to 2.5 meters depth). This species inhabits shallow waters with a variety of habitats including coral reefs, seagrass beds, and open areas of sand and rubble bersubstrat, generally in a quiet area protected by the islands. This species is often found associated with the Enhalus acoroides seagrass and sea urchins Diadema setosum. Hi this happened on various benthic substrates such as sea urchins, sea anemones, and coral branching; young fish most often associated with sea anemones, as adolescents and adults associated with sea urchins and coral branching, star lau, hydrozoans, and mangrove prop roots.

Banggai cardinalfish, species endemic to Indonesia
Banggai c ardinalfish at New England Aquarium

This includes fish species opportunistic eaters throughout the day, unlike other species of spessies same family. Composition of diet equal to the size of the class, including plankton and benthic organisms. Copepods is their main food. Copepods are also important sources of food for many species such as lionfish (Pterois), Epinephelus merra, crocodilefish (Cymbacephalus beauforti), moray eel (Echidna nebulosa), stonefish (Synanceia horrida), and sea snakes Laticouda Colubrina.

Banggai cardinalfish is mouthbrooder paternal (male parent incubating eggs). Female parent plays a role in the formation and pair formation, which occurred a few hours to several days before spawning. Couple laying a few feet from the main group and defend their territories. Banggai cardinalfish egg size has a diameter of 2.5 mm. These fish have the short life spans (approximately 4 years in an area with ideal conditions, 2 years in the wild), and the number of eggs a bit (50-90 bouts) r despite having the potential spawn several times a year (after age above 10 months).


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