Black ghost knifefish

Knifefish Black Ghost (Apteronotus alifrons) is a fish that unique look from the Amazon, South America. This fish is very popular as aquarium fish because of the color black in all her body except the two rings on the tail and a white stripe on her nose.

Black ghost knifefish has the same physical characteristics with other knifefish the pectoral fin and the tail fin together with the absence of dorsal fin. This fish can grow up to 40 cm in their natural habitat. Black Ghost knifefish are nocturnal and can generate a weak electrical signal. Electrical signals generated from the organ in fish and it is distributed by receptors that exist throughout the skin to detect the presence of prey (insect larvae). In addition, the electricity generated is also used to recognize objects around (navigating) and communicates with other fish.

Black Ghost knifefish tend carnivore with living conditions at a temperature of 23 - 280C and pH 6,5 - 7,5. In the wild, these fish are found in fast-flowing habitats with sand bottom. Black Ghost knifefish are carnivores by eating all kinds of food to live food, frozen or dried. These fish are shy and require a lot of time to hide. Black Ghost knifefish breeding techniques has been done at the aquarium. Setting the tank with rocks, plants and stick tile sheets to place the eggs. Adult male fish has a chin and a long body shape and straight, while females are shorter and larger. The mother and father with a ratio of 2: 1 in place in the breeding tank is relatively dark. Spawn processes occur at night and in the morning separate the eggs to avoid being eaten by their mother. Eggs produced reached 200 eggs and hatch after three days. Baby fish can be fed Artemia and after 2 weeks can be fed microworm. Pisciculture Black Ghost knifefish recommended not sekomunitas with other fish such as generating electricity and other Elephantnosefish Peters, because the electrical signal generated will damage their navigation system - each fish.
Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : chordates
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         ; Gymnotiformes
Family       : Apteronotidae
genus        ; Apteronotus
species      : Apteronotus albifrons


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