Frontosa Cichlid

Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa) or Humphead Cichlid is a fish of the family of the original Cichlide found in lake Tanganyika, East Africa. In the wild, Frontosa can grow up to 35 cm, while in the aquarium can only measuring 20-30 cm.

Brightly colored fish with a large vertical black bands as 6-7 bluish-black fruit. Fins, tail and head are also blue. This fish requires a tank that big to care and are not overly aggressive when in a group. Frontosa are carnivores so do not be kept with smaller fish because the fish will make it fine dining. Although it seems there is no problem in the group, this will indeed be territorial fish when it found a suitable place.

Frontosa live in deep water, even deeper than the usual fish inhabit the cavity. They live in conditions of temperature 23 - 290C and pH 7 to 8.9 with a depth of 10-50 m. These fish are monomorphic are virtually or even no physical difference between males and females. Males typically have a "jenong" (hump at the top of the head) than females, but this is not always. Frontosa are slow swimmers and do not release a lot of energy to hunt prey, so the hunt tend to do the evening. As a mouth-brooder, frontosa males are polygamous or not in just a single pair nesting time. Frontosa breeding techniques is not too difficult in the aquarium.


Kingdom    ; Animalia
phylum       : chordates
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          ; Perciformes
Family        : Cichlidae
genus         : Cyphotilapia
species       : Cyphotilapia frontosa
Place one male and several females in one tank. When sexual activity, males will turn out to be more blue, especially on the nose. After memililih females, males will determine the place and cement released to signify where he went. The place chosen is usually rocky for females release eggs. The female will release eggs and repeat a few times and actually cement manly enough to fertilize all eggs females few minutes after the egg is released. Females will lay 50 eggs that have been fertilized in his mouth and hold it for 5 weeks. Child fish must be released immediately separated from adults because children fish measuring less than 3 inches will be eaten by adults.


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