One of the critical success fakor fishing is familiar with the eating habits of fish (food habits) and how to eat fish (feeding habits). In daily practice these two factors are often overlooked so anglers often complain that the fish are being targeted do not want to touch the bait at all. It was not necessarily caused by the type of bait that does not quite fit, but the possibility of fishing activities carried out at the wrong time, when the fish were reluctant to feed. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine, an angler can successfully obtain fish without understanding food habits and feeding habits of fish targets.
in general eating habits and how to eat fish consists aspect dining or dining location, time of eating fish, eating fish, and fish foods craze. Both habits are not the same between the species of fish and other species of fish.
Many anglers, either intentionally or unintentionally, ignore the eating habits of the fish and how to eat fish. At first glance, it seems trivial. In fact, by knowing these aspects can be precisely determined the best time for fishing for certain species, to determine the exact location of fishing, and determine the type of foods most favored by the appropriate bait fish that can be prepared in advance.
In general, eating fish can be divided into a few things like the following.
Many anglers, either intentionally or unintentionally, ignore the eating habits of the fish and how to eat fish. At first glance, it seems trivial. In fact, by knowing these aspects can be precisely determined the best time for fishing for certain species, to determine the exact location of fishing, and determine the type of foods most favored by the appropriate bait fish that can be prepared in advance.
In general, eating fish can be divided into a few things like the following.
a. Under The Fish Eating Habits
> Bottom-dwelling fish (demersal), this type of fish that spend a lot of activity in the bottom waters. Examples: African catfish and catfish.
> Fish the waters of the middle layer, the fish are looking for food that floats in the middle of the waters. This type of fish only occasionally come to the surface water or swim in the bottom waters. Gold fish and pomfret included into this type.
> Fish surface waters, the fish are looking for food on the surface of the water. Generally, this type of fish is spent longer in the top layer of water. Fish with a habit like this is called the pelagic or surface fish. Carp, tilapia and tilapia are included in this category.
> Fish paste, fish-eaters that organic material on the substrate yangmenempel (objects contained in the water), both located in the water pool (middle layer) and which are in the bottom waters. Nilem fish and brooms are included in this category.
> Bottom-dwelling fish (demersal), this type of fish that spend a lot of activity in the bottom waters. Examples: African catfish and catfish.
> Fish the waters of the middle layer, the fish are looking for food that floats in the middle of the waters. This type of fish only occasionally come to the surface water or swim in the bottom waters. Gold fish and pomfret included into this type.
> Fish surface waters, the fish are looking for food on the surface of the water. Generally, this type of fish is spent longer in the top layer of water. Fish with a habit like this is called the pelagic or surface fish. Carp, tilapia and tilapia are included in this category.
> Fish paste, fish-eaters that organic material on the substrate yangmenempel (objects contained in the water), both located in the water pool (middle layer) and which are in the bottom waters. Nilem fish and brooms are included in this category.
b. Fish Eating Habits According to Time
> Species of fish actively feed during the day. Fish feeding activity is mostly done during the day. At night, they are much more rested. Examples: carp, tilapia, pomfret and carp.
> Species of fish actively feed at night (nocturnal). Fish that fall into this category are rarely looking for food during the day. Types of fish are actively searching for food at night is African catfish, local catfish, and catfish (jambal).
> Species of fish actively feed during the day. Fish feeding activity is mostly done during the day. At night, they are much more rested. Examples: carp, tilapia, pomfret and carp.
> Species of fish actively feed at night (nocturnal). Fish that fall into this category are rarely looking for food during the day. Types of fish are actively searching for food at night is African catfish, local catfish, and catfish (jambal).
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