Marlier's Julie ( Julidochromis marlieri )

Marlier's Julie (Julidochromis Cyprichromis leptosoma marlieri) is a small fish of the family and endemic cichlid from Lake Tanganyika, Africa. They are also found in Burundi, Congo, Zambia and Tanzania. Fish that have other names like Spotted julie and Marlieri cichlid, inhabits basic rocks in deep water and is widespread in the north and south of the lake.

They are located at a depth of 5-30 meters and spend a lot of time in the rocks either gaps or holes to hunt for food or to seek refuge. Members of fish of the genus is always using the name "Julie". Julie is the name for the most space or cavity in the many gaps in the lake habitat. Marlier's Julie have a body like turpedo with a maximum length of 15 cm. Body pattern in the form of layered black line on the basis of body creams colors make this fish like a small remote control that swim. All fins and tail have a light blue color on the edges. They can swim to the side, hanging up the bottom, and moves like a planned movement. In addition, they sometimes shy and very difficult to separate from the rock where he was hiding. Although shy, these fish are territorial and will attack his tank if he was annoyed. Long live fish ranged from 5-8 years.

Kingdom     : Animalia
phylum        : chordates
Class          : Actinopterygii
order           : Perciformes
Family         : Cichlidae
genus          : Julidochromis Cyprichromis leptosoma
species        : Julidochromis Cyprichromis leptosoma marlieri

For maintenance in the aquarium, the tank requires a minimum dimension of 120 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm for sepasangnya. Need a larger tank if nurture in large quantities. Tank decor should resemble the natural habitat that is a lot of the boulders with a crack or cave. As it is known that fish love rock crevice. If only to maintain a pair of fish in the tank, it is recommended not to change the composition of the rocks are on the rocks because of the already existing limit mark their territory.

Rumors are circulating that they will kill each other because of stress with decorations that always changed. If there is more than one fish in the tank then give two separate mounds of rock properties to reduce their aggressiveness. It would be nice if maintained solitary fish to reduce aggressiveness nature. The substrate is made of sand and advised oxygenation system in the tank should be good. Parameters required water is water with a temperature of 23-27 ° C, pH 7.5 to 9.5 and a hardness of 10-25 oH. Although fish are territorial, but these fish successfully maintained with other Lake Tanganyika cichlid species of similar size, such as species and Cyprichromis Altolamprologus. There is no information suggesting that these fish can be as other fish prey, but it's better if protected from large predators. 

Marlier's Julie prey are omnivores with a group of small crustaceans, insect larvae and water snails family. Some say that these fish can be used as a repellent mosquito larvae. They will also digest the sand particles like algae or algal filaments digest diatoms (microorganisms). For treatment at the aquarium, these fish can be fed dry or frozen with decent proportions. Some plant foods such as spirulina and watercress can also be varied diet. 

Gender differences can be seen on the body of the female fish larger than male fish, in addition to the male reproductive organs (genital papillae) that is wider and sharper. Breeding techniques (spawning) nudah to be done but it requires considerable patience. Stages before the start of spawning is best to buy a bunch of young fish and biarka they pair naturally. If the couple has been formed (usually takes a year or more) then move the other fish and just let the couple is in the tank. If we buy direct and forced adult males paired with a female, then there is no guarantee that a female will stay alive. Aquarium conditions be set at 8.2 to 9 pH and temperature of 77-80 oF. If the process is successful spawning, usually females will produce eggs less than 100 grains.
 Spawning process is done in a hidden crevice and eggs will be placed on the wall or ceiling openings. The males will keep out the gap when the female is laying eggs inside. As breeders are smart, they will keep their babies from a variety of potential hazards. When it's time to eat one parent will be out hunting while the other parent keep her baby. But it would be better to separate the mother after the baby fish hatch. After hatching, the baby fish will eat their egg yolks until they run out, and after that they can be given as a nutritional baby brine shrimpe good growth. Fish growth is very slow and usually after two months the baby fish will be measuring 2 cm. 


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