Mas Koki Fish Care Tips

Tips on Caring for Goldfish chef-maintenance method goldfish can bermacam2, although the principle, maintenance of ornamental fish like the others, there's only one way to maintain the water quality. Because if you can not take care of your goldfish with goldfish properly then you can short-lived.

Goldfish-cii have distinctive characteristics in the womb that is very prone to ammonia dissolved in water. make about this is that often the perception in the age group of admirers of ornamental fish goldfish that maintain the hard, dead easy.

To handle the problem kadara ammonia, which can be done about the existing 2, ie neutralizing, or replace the water. neutralize the ammonia content of the bias is done using biofilters or by growing moss water, which can absorb zat2 which can poison the fish.

Most techniques used by hobbyists, as well as can be evidenced by good roads is as follows:

1. biofiltration
      Tehnik2 biofilters good came from penggemar2 koi fish. key of this technique is the use of filtration media. among the best media to use synthetic matt made ​​in japan, which is now a common sight in toko2 ornamental fish. This media can do filtering and memperangkapnya kotoran2 fish, which then can stimulate the development of bakteri2 nitrobacter therein.

Aeration should be driven quite a lot of time as well as the biofilter was ter-cycled, then the environment aquarium / fish pond has been so stable. for hobbyists who are lazy drain water fish, this method certainly very fitting, because does not require draining the water though. but there is a weakness so that the water is not used to replaced, resulting in zat2 / mineral2 needed fish, which can be obtained from the new water, no, that it can result in fish become less bright colors, etc.. This technique may be accompanied by partial water changes regularly.

2. Green water / Greenwater method
     This technique is the technique that is usually used in farm2 goldfish anywhere. This is a very primitive method of leaving the fish in the pond s / d of green water (due to the development of moss). take note that the moss that grows the moss water, not just moss pool wall. generally at the farm, after the water was so green, the water can be replaced with a whole new water. This method can be developed with the ongoing efforts to protect all green level of the water, by way of the time the water will be replaced, a long stored 1 bucket of water for future water mixed with the new.

Because moss desirable development could take place again soon after the new pool is drained. Another advantage of this method is maintaining the water was green, the color of the fish so much brighter, which is due to eating fish because of moss that is in the water. This method is very good for the health of the fish, but not a favorite in the age group of admirers, due to the green water, goldfish in it can not be seen.

3. mechanical filtering
      Mechanical filtering the solid kotoran2 existing filter in the pond / aquarium, until the water always looks clear. This method does not filter kotoran2 dissolved in the water, to see a lot of hobbyists entangled with clear water, but the high ammonia content, which can lead to fish sick / dead. The mechanical filtering must be balanced with the replacement of water with rutiin, replacement of 2% can be every day and offset by washing the filter media.

4. Change water
      Due to the content of ammonia in the water due to fish waste, then the techniques that can be used to dispose of the fish waste in-siphon, and be done with regular water changes. among hobbyists in jakarta using this technique, the siphon and do 80% water changes 2 times a day 1. this technique with excellent roads and the development of good fish from inside the relative added metode2 used by other hobbyists.


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