Gold Barb ( Puntius sachsii )

Gold Barb (Puntius sachsii) is a family of fish Puntius from Singapore and Asia in the east as the Red River through Vietnam and China. Gold barb has a golden color with spots all over his body - stretching blackish dark spots on the middle of his body. Gold barb has a dorsal fin, anal fin, pectoral fins and tail are reddish. These fish live in groups with a membership of not less than 6 tails.
Kingdom    :  Animalia
phylum       :  Chordata
Class         :  Actinopterygii
order          : Cypriniformes
Family        : Cyprinidae
genus         :  puntius
species      :  puntius sachsii
Gold Barb is a very active fish, in addition to requiring a wide open place to swim, fish also need a place to hide. If not treated in a group of these fish will likely be ashamed - ashamed. Water conditions are recommended for the Gold Barb is the temperature 24 - 280C and pH 6-8. Gold Barb is an omnivorous fish that do not choose - choose food and will eat anything that fit the size of a small mouth, such as live food, dried and frozen. This fish is not suitable when placed in the aquarium aquascape or have many plants, this is because Gold barb will bite or eat the plants.  
These fish are active during the day and rest at night with floating above the tank bottom or river. The males have a slightly smaller body and the color is more attractive than the female. For breeding Gold barb, tank water temperature warms to 750F and place a few plants such as Java moss as most Barb will lay eggs on the plants. Put some females to the tank at night and then put the male fish. The males will show a slightly different color when ready to reproduce. The process of egg-laying will take place in the morning and after the spawn is complete then move out of the tank because the parents will eat their own eggs. The eggs will hatch after 24-48 hours. Chicks newly hatched fish are able to swim and be given food such as baby brine shrimpe and rotifers. Note: Although likely peacemaker, but do not mix with other fish Gold barb long finned, because Gold barb likely to bite their fins.


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