Zebra shovelnose (Brachyplatystoma tigrinum)

Zebra shovelnose (Brachyplatystoma tigrinum), also known as Pimelodis catfish a catfish fish groups from the banks of the Amazon river in Columbia, Peru and Brazil. This catfish has a whitish yellow body color with a black stripe that is very attractive to the shape of the upper jaw longer than the lower jaw. The bones in his back and chest fins are flexible and not sharp. Zebra shovelnose have small eyes and long whiskers that can reach back. All the fins and tail stripe pattern in black and white, while the head from the nose to the back of the front colored gray - plain gray with no stripe. These fish live in an environment having a temperature of 22 - 260C and pH 6,5 - 7,5.


Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : Chordata
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         : Siluriformes
Family       : Pimelodidae
genus         : Brachyplatystoma
species      : Brachyplatystoma tigrinum

Zebra fish shovelnose is primarily sensitive to high nitrates kandingan, If Nitrate content was above the tolerance limit then immediately stop feeding and changing water tank. These fish require dissolved oxygen levels are high, so use a large filter in the tank so that oxygen levels maintained. Zebra shovelnose carnivores tend to adapt to the food did not live, but it is also used to fish with food such as shrimp, mussels, oysters, small fish and earthworms. The difference in male and female fish are hard to determine as well as the technique of unknown breeding. Zebra shovelnose are nocturnal and territorial towards its own kind or kinds of other large catfish. In their natural habitat, these fish inhabit the river with the current fast enough, while in the aquarium like environment bersubstrat sand, smooth and juicy clean. As an ornamental fish, fish termasik golangan catfish are the most expensive and hunted many freshwater fish hobbyist.


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