Whiteseam Fighter ( Betta albimarginata )

Whiteseam Fighter (Betta albimarginata) or Whiteseam betta be Betta fish that was first discovered on the island of Kalimantan, East Kalimantan province precisely. As the name implies albimarginata meaning white edge, these fish have white on the edge of all fins as well as the tip of its tail.


Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : Chordata
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         : Perciformes
Family       : Osphronemidae
genus        : Betta
species     : Betta albimarginata
Betta albimarginata is the smallest species in the genus because it only has a body length of 5 cm. Physically, these fish from family Osphronemidae has an elongated body, large eyes and a wide mouth. Although small, these fish are carnivorous and eat live or frozen foods such as blood worms, glass worms and arthemia, and the fish is rejected if given dry food as well as foods that are too small. Betta albimarginata live in their natural habitat in the inland river Sembuak with pH 6 - 7.5 and temperature of 22 - 260C.

Although not aggressive, but males may be territorial and better if kept in pairs. Betta is a type mouthbrooder albimarginata and have an interesting mating rituals. Marriage is done by cuddling and at that time released a few eggs. Eggs - Eggs are released by the female will be taken by the male, and put in his throat. The process carried out by the male incubate for eight to twelve days. Usually young male fish will eat the eggs first - the egg after two to three days of incubation, but the male will then learn to take the egg. After incubation is complete, the child - the child is released from the mother's mouth fish. Not all of the eggs successfully hatched, the chicks usually fish removed no more than 40 head. Parent fish both male and female will care for their children. Newly hatched chicks yan fish have a body length of 5 mm and dark colors tend to be black. They were given food such as infusoria dapa. Seedling growth is very slow and the fish will reach a body length of 4 cm at the age of 6 months. 


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