Venustus Hap

Venustus Hap or Giraffe Hap (Nimbochromis venustus) is the class of Haplochromine Cichlid and is a native fish of Lake Malawi in Africa. This fish is yellow with a brown stain patterns resemble giraffes. Males generally have a blue head with yellow spots on the head and dorsal fin, while females generally tend to be less colored or silvery with a dark stain patterns.

Kingdom    : Animalia
phylum       : Chordata
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          : Perciformes
Family        : Cichlidae
genus         : Nimbochromis
species      : Nimbochromis venustus
Hap Venustus live in sandy areas on the lake with a depth of 15 meters, and can grow at around 20-30 cm. Venustus Hap is a predatory fish that tend to perform engineering attacks on prey, he liked to hide in the sand dang use her pattern for kamoflase. Hunting adaptation techniques that do Venustus Hap is thanatosis or "dead game" that hunt with little moving or just wait for their prey silently. As a predator in the sandy areas, Venustus Hap is fast and strong swimmers. By locals, this fish is named "kaligono" meaning a sleeper, the name was adapted to the behavior. Water conditions are suitable for this fish is water with a pH of 7.6 to 8.8 and a temperature of 24-28 ° C.

 Hap Venustus strikingly colored males will now become sexually mature, the same as other female cichlid will put their eggs on the rocks and allow males to fertilize it. The fertilized eggs will be taken by the mother to put it in her mouth. Eggs can be brought to 120 pieces and will be at the mouth of the parent for 3 weeks before being released children - kids fish to swim freely. Females will not eat during this incubation period, and will spew eggs when he felt threatened. Children fish has a mouth large enough to be fed shrimp and other foods.


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