African Brown Knife Fish ( Xenomystus nigri )

African Brown Knife Fish (Xenomystus nigri) or African Knife Fish is fish that comes from Africa and is found in rivers such as the Congo river, the Nile and several rivers that spread in Cameroon, Liberia, Togo and some other regions. These fish are nocturnal and can grow up to 30 cm.

Physically, thin-bodied fish and elongated so as to resemble a knife and have pectoral fins that are attached to the anal fin and extends from the bottom of the body behind the gills to the end (tail). Xenomystus nigri has no dorsal fin, and has golden eyes and mouth wide enough.


Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : Chordata
Class         : Actinopterygii
order         : Osteoglossiformes
Family       : Notopteridae
genus        : Xenomystus
species      : Xenomystus nigri
In terms of colors namely brown, these fish may be less attractive, but the body shape and personal skills will add to the positive side of this fish. Xenomystus nigri able to swim back and forth, but it also can produce a barking sound when making out with the opposite sex. Xenomystus nigri a predator who likes to hunt fish - small fish, worms, shrimp, snails and insects. When young, these fish will gather in small quantities, but with age aggressiveness will come even with their own kind. Xenomystus nigri very sensitive to water quality, and in the wild found living in conditions of pH 6-8 and a temperature of 23-28 ° C. Sex differences are very difficult to detect, except when eating females carrying eggs will look fatter.

Breeding can not be done in scale aquarium but it is known that females will lay about 150-200 eggs per 2 mm diameter dilubang or gap, and the male will guard the eggs until they hatch about 6-9 days.


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