Three-lined Pencilfish ( Nannostomus trifasciatus )

Nannostomus trifasciatus otherwise known as Three-line pencilfish is a freshwater fish that spread across the Amazon river from Colombia, Peru and Guyana. Three-line pencilfish is a small fish that only reach 6 cm in length, and has a bright color patterns all day and all night. During the day, three black stripes lengthwise along the body and in the evening the line disappears and three large dark spot appears on the side of the fish from the back to the stomach, it is likely this was done to hide from predatory fish nocturnal. Based on research, the color change is caused by the activity of the hormone melatonin in pigment cells to different conditions.


Kingdom    :  Animalia
phylum       :  Chordata
Class          :  Actinopterygii
order          :  Characiformes
Family        :  Lebiasinidae
genus          : Nannostomus
species       :  Nannostomus trifasciatus
Generally Nannostomus trifasciatus Males have a brighter color and slightly more slender than the female, except that the male fish are territorial to a small area. N.trifasciatus are omnivores and spend more time in the water, the main food is insects, but sometimes also eat algae. Reproductive processes externally, and laying to do all day. The eggs are sticky and are usually placed on the leaves of plants or scattered on the water.

Once the eggs produce 30-70 eggs and will hatch 18-72 hours later depending on water temperature. Children newly hatched fish are not kept by the parent. N.trifasciatus active throughout the day and rest at night on the surface of the water. Free the wild these fish are also known to migrate from the river to the rain forest during the rainy season. The environmental conditions of fish habitat is water with a pH of 6-7 and a temperature of 24 - 280C.
In the aquarium, N.trifasciatus very hard physically dibedain N.marginatus same species, but larger N.trifasciatus.


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