Kissing Gourami ( Helostoma temminckii )

Originally from Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. First described from Java. This fish is the only member of the family Helostomatidae. Uninhabitable for fish habitat is slow flowing waters, lakes, floodplains, swamps and oxbow (Horseshoe Lake).

Waters inhabited by fish is usually a quiet-flowing, shallow, and there are many water plants. For some people, Indonesia this fish is not something familiar. In our country, this fish is known as tambakan. Since the first fish has been used as a food ingredient and has been introduced to several countries for propagation. Kissing Gourami is also frequently fished in the wild. One distinctive feature of this fish is a habit that kiss. Habit of this fish gets its name. Usually the fish is kissed by another tambakan fish or other objects. Actually, these fish are not really kissing. What they are really doing is clashing mouth. This is done by males to assert its supremacy tambakan against other males while maintaining its territory. This fish is also often kissed solids to undermine the food stuck to the object. The distinctive feature of this fish is its own among other flat-shaped vertical fin and the dorsal fin analnya has almost the same shape and size, as well as an elongated mouth. There are two variants of this species, which is a variant variant green and white or pink. Later came the variants that are smaller and rounded bleak sized balloon. Given these fish can grow to reach the size of 30 cm.

For long-term maintenance of this fish requires an aquarium with a minimum size of 150 x 45 x 45 cm. The decor is not very important, as well as the issue of open space to swim should be provided. Even so, it is not advisable to keep the fish in the aquarium water as many plants aquascape because of the tendency of these fish like to eat water plants. Roots and branches of driftwood timber is suitable as a decoration for the fish. If you want to add aquatic plants, use plants that float on the surface of the water or the hard leaved like Anubias and Microsorum. Avoid excessive movement of the water flow in the aquarium. Adult fish that will generate a lot of waste, so it is recommended to replace the water 30-50% of the total volume of water every week. Relative illumination is not important, it can be bright or dim according to what you want. Periodically these fish are going to surface to take in oxygen from the air.

The condition of water needed for maintenance; pH 6-8 water temperature 22-28 ° C. Kissing Gourami fish are omnivores that eat almost any kind of food. In the wild these fish have a varied diet, ranging from algae, aquatic plants, zooplankton, aquatic insects up. In the aquarium fish can be given a variety of foods, including feed flakes, pellets, or live food. At least live food such as bloodworm, Tubifex, Artemia, and the larva are also provided on a regular basis. In these fish are filter gills (gill raker), which serves to help filter plankton from the water. Kissing Gourami suitable to be kept in community aquariums with other large fish. These fish will be aggressive when placed in a confined space or in a narrow aquarium. Suitable tankmates for this fish include rasbora, barb, cichlid, catfish, Characins, spiny eel, or other anabantoid. This fish is known to be gregarious except during adolescence. Therefore, if you want to keep it as a group, since they are small guard. 


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