Serpent loach ( Serpenticobitis octozona )

Serpent Loach is one type of fish loach or serowot Balitoridae family members. Derived from Sekong rivers or Xe Khong (ເຊ ກອງ) in the country of Laos and apparently are endemic to the river. Sekong River itself is one of the Mekong tributaries.

As part of the Mekong river system, there are plans to dam the river is a hydroelectric dam. But unfortunately, the plan has been approved by the government, it is feared the continuity of the fish that live in the river will be threatened. Habitats occupied by these fish are shallow rivers flowing rapidly, oxygen-laden river upstream, the pools and the waterfall area in some cases. Areas inhabited by these fish are usually filled with rocks and gravel and rich in oxygen. Serpent Loach small, only about 5 cm in length only. Elongated body, with colored fins black and white stripes. Body color is light brown interspersed with yellow stripes, his feature makes this fish looked interesting.

The fish is actually not too difficult to maintain, as long as kept in the right conditions. It is recommended to maintain the aquarium that are setting resembling their natural habitat. To fit such habitat, use sand or fine gravel substrate along with rocks. Add to this some tree branches and plants in the aquarium water to the landscape not memorable stiff. Aquarium required need not be large, simply provide aquarium measuring 75 x 30 x 30 cm. Naturally, these fish are tolerant to the accumulation of organic pollutants like other fish, but in order to grow in a healthy condition, clean water is needed. Every once a week, at least 30-50% of the total volume of water must be replaced.  

The condition of water needed; pH 6-7 water temperature 23-26 ° C.
Serpent Loach is omnivorous fish although most of their food in the wild consists of small insects, worms, crustaceans and other zooplankton. Instead, these fish rarely eat foods that come from plants. In the aquarium fish can be fed dry feed with the appropriate proportions. Other everyday foods that can be given is feed live or frozen food, such as daphnia, artemia, bloodworm, and others. Conditions good food coloring will affect the body. Serpent Loach peaceable character to another fish or their own species. Maintenance in groups is recommended, ideally at least there are four fish in one group. Fish that are suitable as tankmates for this fish include Gourami (Sepat) ornamental; kind cyprinid like barb, danio, rasbora; Loach; fish or other peacemakers. Since these fish are small, do not keep it with aggressive or predatory fish because the fish will be eaten.


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