10 Tips for Buying Hickey Complaint

In general, the selection criteria of quality going ornamental fish traders are no different from the breeder or breeders. However, to ensure the quality of the feeder, the following 10 Tips on Buying From Merchants Ornamental Hickey Complaints can be done by the buyer.

1. Do not ask for the serial number Hickey is famous because the price will be high and forged. For example, hickey without serial numbers or other series offered by its name or serial number hickey being famous

2. Compare characteristics hickey with the serial number affixed to the jars. Each jar betta fights usually affixed serial number. Note the characteristics of the hickey contest. If any body shape and fins are not similar with the serial number attached, the honesty of the seller is suspect

3. Note the tail fin strokes or bone. If the stroke is not straight or a different color, Hickey allegedly had been pitted (the term in the world of hickey is "resale")

4. Observe the scales around the base of the tail. If the scales at the base of the fin is not tight, it is estimated scales are new. If the suspected age of 6 months, but scales such conditions, it is possible hickey was once pitted

5. Note the head. If there are scratches on the head betta fights scales, indicating that age was 8 months

6. Choose a hickey with sharp teeth. To see this, consider the ring lip of the jar. If the inside of the lower lip are small spots of black, it indicates sharp teeth hickey

7. Choose a hickey with strong sisim. Strong scales characterized by unequal scales all over the body and brilliantly colored

8. Based on the species:

       A) If the hickey red tie, look at the bottom fins. Maybe there is a vertical black strokes on the base of the fin. If anything, hickey came from Betta species imbellis var. domestica. If no, hickey came from species Betta splendens Betta aka bangkok.

      B) If the betta black tie, dark green body, and the tail and dorsal fins slightly Popcorn black hickey came from the species Betta smaragdina var. domestica.

      C) If the betta black tie and dark blue body, Hickey is expected to come from the parent Betta smaragdina var. Malayan or Betta smaragdina var.domestica. Hickey type depends on the serial number or title yan bears.

9. Note the water used. Typically, professional traders compete and differentiate cuang hickey ornamental through the water he uses. Water for Betta fighting brownish due to the addition of leaf ketapang, while Hickey ornamental water looks clear
10. Make a purchase of betta fighting on only one or two vendors in each market alone. Typically, merchants have special betta only sold to certain customers. Hickey does not display in the window, but just kept at home or in a special place. Hickey special is betta with a serial number known which is rarely found in the market or imported betta (betta pot). Hickey can be privileged as a child, but he was already 9 months. Hickey can also resale (which had pitted) say special because ever win the battle or deadly opponent


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