Fish Feeding Techniques Gurame - Gurame is a fish that has a somewhat slower growth, but the price is relatively increasing every moment. Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) is a kind of freshwater fish are popular and well liked as a food fish in Southeast Asia and South Asia. Carp including fish farming which need more attention in cultivation compared to other kondumsi fish.The successful cultivation of carp feed starting delivery techniques. There are several things that must be considered by farmers to be his carp breeding can be successful and produce.
Regular feeding with a high quality and quantity can increase the growth of the fish faster. Carp moms healthy and secure food can be spawned two times a year for 5 consecutive years ( Gourami fish known as the slow movement, so often unable to compete with other species in the animal food fight. So it is not surprising that growth is not as fast as other omnivorous fish.
To stimulate the growth of carp should be given animal feed and vegetable in the composition of the ideal. Carp can not be 100% feed mill because the meat will become mushy. To meet the vegetable feed, can provide various types of vegetation such as leaves sente, kale, cassava leaves, aquatic plants or terrestrial plant leaves are soft and young. If coupled enzyme complex, composition of animal feed and vegetable is good is 2% / kg. Based on the experience of some farmers, the provision leaves sente (Alocasia machoriza), a type of taro-talasan showed the best growth. Feeding vegetable seeds about the size of a match begins at or about 3.5 months old (Agus, 2001).
The feed is given in the form of pellets with a protein content adjusted to the size of the fish when: a). Size 3-5 cm fish protein level of 38%, b). Size 5-15 cm fish protein levels 32% and c). Size of fish> 15 cm in the protein level of 28% (National Standardization Agency, 2009). Artificial feed daily ration performed regularly at a dose of 1-3% of the weight of biomass per day with a frequency of 1-2 times per day ie morning and afternoon. While green feed given at a dose of 1-2% of the weight of biomass per day with a frequency of once per day.
With the benchmark dose, then the weight of feed per day can change with the addition of the weight of fish in the pond. The additional weight is often referred to as growth. The amount of growth can be determined through technical sampling (taking some fish and weigh weight). Total weight of fish in the pond is the product of the average weight of fish sampled by the number of farmed fish. Adjustment of the amount of feed adjusted on the total weight of fish sampling conducted once in two weeks.
The feed is given in the form of pellets with a protein content adjusted to the size of the fish when: a). Size 3-5 cm fish protein level of 38%, b). Size 5-15 cm fish protein levels 32% and c). Size of fish> 15 cm in the protein level of 28% (National Standardization Agency, 2009). Artificial feed daily ration performed regularly at a dose of 1-3% of the weight of biomass per day with a frequency of 1-2 times per day ie morning and afternoon. While green feed given at a dose of 1-2% of the weight of biomass per day with a frequency of once per day.
With the benchmark dose, then the weight of feed per day can change with the addition of the weight of fish in the pond. The additional weight is often referred to as growth. The amount of growth can be determined through technical sampling (taking some fish and weigh weight). Total weight of fish in the pond is the product of the average weight of fish sampled by the number of farmed fish. Adjustment of the amount of feed adjusted on the total weight of fish sampling conducted once in two weeks.
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