Bumblebee Goby

Bumblebee Goby. Lives up measuring 4.5 cm. Originating from Thailand, Vietnam, and western Indonesia. Plumpness these fish live in estuaries or river mouths. Shaped elongated body with yellow and black criss-cross so that the fish is named "Bumblebee" or wasp fish. it is usually swim slowly at the bottom of the aquarium.

Actually there are nine species in the genus Brachygobius that have been found. Some of them are imported as ornamental fish and sold under the name "Bumblebee goby". B.xanthozona species is the most famous of this type can be identified accurately by measuring the anal fin spine. Anal fin bones in this type of eight. But unfortunately, usually fish in the genus Brachygobius sold under the same name so we can not know exactly what kind of fish, including the.

Bumbleebee Goby is a fish that does not necessarily require a large place. This fish can be placed in a small tank when kept in pairs. Used for aquarium fish, measuring 30x20x20 cm or at least enough capacity of 12.5 liters. Sizes larger aquarium is required when in groups maintain. Bumbleebee goby usually refuse fed dry, so it's best to feed this fish is a live food such as bloodworm, daphnia, or brine shrimp. This fish can live in fresh water for a few moments before his condition worsened or became ill and later died. Indeed, because of the actual native fish habitat in brackish waters is thus not very suitable when placed in fresh water, although in the wild sometimes these fish are found in freshwater. Because of the condition of the water in the aquarium should be slightly brackish sea water by adding roughly about a quarter of the volume of the aquarium.

Although these fish behave peacemaker but this fish is a fish is territorial. Required water conditions; temperature of water 24 ° - 30 ° C pH 7.5 to 8.5. Better maintained in groups. The fish can also be kept with other brackish water fish are small and peaceable as halfbeaks, GlassFish, molly, or other goby species, but it is better fish species kept in aquariums in groups. There is a minimum of 6 tail goby species in the aquarium. When placed in a community aquarium with fish that do not memeliharaannya are much bigger or more aggressive that the goby does not fall prey to the fish. To the extent possible, provide plenty of hiding places such as pipes, plastic tube length, wood (bogwood), small flower pots or rocks because these fish are very territorial. The best substrate for this fish is sand. Water movement also made ​​a minimum because these fish like calm water conditions.


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