Bowfin (Amia calva)

Bowfin is one-only species member of of the order Amiiformes. This fish comes from the fresh waters of Canada and the United States. Habitat who inhabited by fish this among others waters of who full plants, swamps watery crystal clear, lakes, and rivers. Even fish can also inhabit stagnant waters and poorly oxygenated waters.

                                                                          Bowfin fish mouth

Bowfin size can be fairly large, male fish have up to a maximum size of 62.5 cm, while the female fish much larger size, can reach about 90 cm. When viewed at a glance is similar to the shape of fish catfish, but the difference in catfish and their pelvic fins fused sirip anus while bowfin not. Moreover, cork fish has no kinship with bowfin fish. These fish known to can be breathes in the air even also can survive live without water as long as it her body remains wet. This is because fish this has a organ special breathing which allows to take oxygen from the air. Under conditions of drought, reputedly this fish form the burrow in the soil and survive there until datangmya rain as it does on fish lungfish. Bowfin including primitive fish, the fish seem distant relative of the alligator fish.

                                                                    Bowfin fish anatomy

Fish including bowfin is interesting to be maintained in an aquarium. Minimum aquarium size used is 180cm x 60cm x 60cm and a minimum capacity of 680 liters for the adult male fish. The minimum required size could be even greater if the female fish maintain or want to take care of more than one (although this is not recommended). Aquarium decorations is not a problem. Bogwood pieces of wood, rocks, or water plants can be used as decorations in the aquarium. Bowfin order to feel more comfortable in the aquarium, use a layer of floating water plants to mimic the conditions of their natural habitat. It is also useful to block the entry of excessive light. Make sure bowfin also have access to the surface to take in oxygen from the air. Cover tightly to the aquarium also should not be forgotten because this fish is a fish is a good jumper. Required water conditions; pH 6.2-7,5 water temperature of 15-24 ° C. Water temperature should be maintained at that range because these fish originate from subtropical countries. Feed that can be provided include worms, shrimp, and small fish. In their natural habitat these fish eat invertebrates, fish, or even amphibians. Given the nature and solitary predators, these fish are better kept the tail in an aquarium.


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