Diskus Fish

Discus fish (Symphysodon spp) is a freshwater fish that is very exotic and even regarded as the king of freshwater fish by a few hobbies. Discus Symphysodon genus consists of three species to date, including General Discus (S. aequifasciatus), Heckel Discus (S. discus) and most species S. tarzoo.

Kingdom    : Animalia
phylum       : chordates
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          : Perciformes
Family        : Cichlidae
genus         : Sympyisodon
species       : Symphysodon spp
Genus Symphysodon body shape is flat and wide. But the difference with other groups is cichlide than flat, this genus of fish also tend to like round or circular. Discus fish have a variety of stunning colors. In addition to variations in color, body style variations make these fish more classy. This variation is still debate whether this subspecies from the same or different species. Although some of these variations are the result of crossing hibrids of two types of disc that has a different appearance. Because of this, Discus has a price that is relatively more expensive when compared to other freshwater fish. Live fish have a long life time of 10 years if the water conditions are good and not disease. Discus fish is a fish peaceable, quiet and gentle but very difficult to maintain in aquarium. Most hobbies care in an aquarium, but actually Discus fish can be mixed with other non-aggressive fish in an aquarium. Discus fish are very vulnerable to environmental changes. In the aquarium, the water must be maintained at a pH of 6.0-6.5 and the water is soft. Appropriate water temperature is 77-86 F, or about 25-300C. Tank water must also be clean and quiet according to Discus own character that is not aggressive. Therefore, routine cleaning of the tank should be done by using a hose to suck dirt. Strive, when cleaning it does not cause excessive ripple water because it will cause a stress Discus.

Discus varieties above the name is merely a trade name, and many other variations of Discus. Discus fish is a carnivore fish, but the food that comes from a mixture of meat and vegetable are also preferred. Tubifex or blood worms live well, dry and well-liked by Discus frozen. Some stores also offer ornamental fish trade food (pellets) are specifically for Discus. Discus fish life time if properly maintained is approximately 10 years. This fish can be maintained as well as a solitary group, if the group maintained the recommended amount is six tails of the same size.

To distinguish the sexes is very difficult, practically the only way is to wait for the fish to reach sexual maturity stage and in ready to breed. That's when ovopositor (genitals) and a more prominent tool in the female fish is bigger and blunter than males. Like most groups Cichlidae, this species will also keep their chicks. Both parents both male and female puppies will keep very well. Discus fish breeding process starts from a good selection of seeds breeders with the terms; without disabilities, active, healthy, older than 1 year and a proportionate body size. Discus fish will usually choose their own partner, and after finding a new partner discus pair of male and female fish are separated from the group to be placed in the spawning tank. Spawning usually occurs during the 2 weeks and within a month the female discus fish begin to spawn. The eggs are usually attached to the leaves and will fanned to flame by holding for 3 days before hatching.

Terms Bak draft breeding Discus
1. Water temperature 280C
2. Tub size 120x30x45 cm
3. Water slightly acidic conditions (pH 6.5) and slightly soft
4. Supplied stone or inverted pots
5. Presence of water, especially the Amazon sword plants

Discus eggs will hatch after 48 hours. The seed will be fed by its mother with mucus released by the sides of the parent body. On the tenth day, the baby fish have to be fed like a newly hatched brineshrimpe. Discus fish puppies were left attached to the body of its mother until the age of + - 1 month. After one month old puppies Discus fish are placed in a tank separated for enlargement. The Discus fish breeders can usually produce about 100 eggs in a single spawning pieces.


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