fish Baronang

Rabbitfish (Siganus sp.) Is a marine fish that includes family Siginidae. Fish beronang recognized by society as different from each other as the Thousand Islands called kea-kea, in Central Java as the guava and the fishermen on the island of Maluku named as the samadar.
Rabbitfish found in shallow lagoons in the Indo-Pacific and eastern Mediterranean. this fish in English is called this because rabbitfish eating plants (seaweed) that neatly trimmed like a small lawn machines. Rabbitfish is one fish that is a favorite for anglers at sea.

The characteristics of

                                                                         Wind baronang

Baronang including herbivorous fish, rabbitfish adult fish body length reaches 20-45 cm, body longitudinally and laterally flattened, covered by small scales, small mouth terminal position. Jaws equipped with small teeth. His back is equipped by a sharp spines pointing forward between neural first and usually embedded under the skin. These spikes can be fitted with gland / poison on its tip. Poison is not deadly animals adult human life, but can cause severe pain. although baronang poisonous fish spines but animal meat is safe for consumption.

 Known species

                                                                         rabbitfish Milk

In Indonesia are generally known Baronang milk (Siganus canaliculatus), rabbitfish tompel (Siganus guttatus) and rabbitfish wind (Siganus javus), of the three types that are most common are milk baronang. In addition there are pepper rabbitfish (Siganus stellatus), batik rabbitfish (Siganus vermiculatus), necklace rabbitfish (Siganus virgatus), rabbitfish turmeric etc. however, because the population is rare, the latter species is rare.


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