How to Marry Betta Fish

Mated way betta fish - Betta Fish is one fish that can survive for a long time even though the fish were placed in the container in which the water a bit and in the absence of air circulation device (aerator). This fish has a unique shape and character and tend to be aggressive in defending its territory.
Betta fish mating Basically it's arguably tricky, in Balang easy because almost every betta fish that will spawn mated, but hard to care for the baby fish to keep the fish alive until it becomes mature. Betta fish have a monogamous nature, so in each spawning only 1 male and 1 female. For business differentiate between male and female betta fish, I'm sure you all already know the difference between male and female betta fish, because when viewed sepintaspun we've been able to distinguish the difference between male and female betta fish. One difference lies in the color and fin fish, male betta fish have bright colors and long fins / expand, while the female betta fish rather dull-colored and short fins.
For breeding betta fish that we do not need a vast place, because spawning betta fish can be done in small containers such as small aquariums, buckets, etc..

Here's How to Marry Betta Fish:

1.  Prepare a container of aquarium, bucket or basin, then fill with clean water that has been deposited as high as 15-20 cm, and do not forget to enter the water or foliage plants that will be used as a nest of froth / foam by a male betta fish to save the eggs.

2. For the second point is that there are 2 ways: The first way that the input of male and female betta fish into spawning containers that td was prepared simultaneously. and for the second way is by inserting a male betta fish container prior to spawning, and for the female betta fish put into another container such as a glass of mineral water marks or other container, hold the second parent, the goal is that the male makes a bubble nest.

3. If bubbles are generated by many male betta fish, betta fish breeders inputs td female who is separated into spawning containers.

4.  Cover the container with a lid spawning anything, which is important as the cover has holes udara.Hal entry and exit points of the easiest is to use a used box that is perforated.

5.  Keep containers td spawning in a somewhat dark and silent, because according to the experience of betta fish spawn will be difficult if kept in a bright and lively that.

6. Do not forget to check, because it is usually within 1-2 days of memijah.Ciri betta fish have been spawning betta fish that are there will be small granules (eggs) attached to the foam, and usually breeding females will swim on the surface, because if already occurred spawning broodstock breeding male will drive the female to stay away from the nest.

7. If the betta fish spawning has occurred, immediately lift the female parent, because many cases of female breeders will take back the eggs that had them remove it.

8. Usually within 1-2 days the eggs will hatch and become fish fry.  


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