Pests and Diseases of Goldfish

Pests and Diseases Goldfish - In goldfish breed faced a lot of obstacles in the form of pests and diseases. both biologically and physically attacked. Below are the pests and diseases goldfish:

Goldfish pests
Bebeasan (Notonecta)

1. Harmful to seed because of the sting. Control: pour kerosene into surface water cc/100 500 square meters. Never pour excess as it can pollute water. 

2. Attack seeds and small fish. most snake attacks the seeds and small fish at night. on the other hand can be advantageous if the snakes eat other pests such as frogs or fish predators. Control: do arrest; pool fencing. 

2.  Eat fish at night. Control: berumpun trap pairs at the places which if often in coming otter.

3. Prey on small fish. Control: the doors were given water input filter or manufactured tub filters. sebisanya you make 2 separate pools for small fish and large fish to be easy to control and avoid predatoe catfish.

Eel & Crab
4. Eels and crabs will make eating naturally in the pond will be reduced. Control: do arrest.

Ucrit (larvae cybister)
5. Clamping body torn up fish with fangs. Control: difficult to eradicate; avoid organic matter accumulates around the pond.

6. Eat eggs and fish eggs to reduce the consumption of small fish as food in eating by tadpoles. Control: often discard eggs that float; catch & throw away alive.

7. Eat the seeds that light colored such as red, yellow. this led to declining fish population growth. Control: given a bamboo barrier so hard to pounce; given fringe or rope barriers.

Goldfish Diseases

Bacteria Aeromonas punctata
Symptoms: body color bleak, not bright; skin rough and blistered; way-Why is the Why is the breathing;distended gallbladder; bleeding within the liver and kidneys.     

Control: chloramphenicol injection of 10-15 mg / kg fish or streptomycin 80-100 mg / kg of fish; feed mixed terramicine 50 mg / kg fish for 7 consecutive days.

Swollen gills and body (Myxosporesis)
 Symptoms: gill cover is always open by red spots, bleeding backs.
 Control; drying pools in total, sprinkled lime tohon 200 grams / m 2, leave on for 1-2 weeks.

Worms gills, fins, skin (Dactypogyrus & girodactylogyrus)

Symptoms: Fish look thin, dull scales, tail fins sometimes fall out, fish rub against objects around him hard, there is bleeding and thickened at the gills.
Control: immersed within 250 gram/m3 formalin solution for 15 minutes and soaked within 3 gram/m3 Methylene blue for 24 hours; avoid superfluous fish stocking. 

Red spots (White spot)
Symptoms: on body parts (head, gills, fins) appear white spots, in severe infections clearly visible white coating, rub against objects that are nearby and swim very weak and often appear on the surface of the water.
Control: immersed within 1% solution of methylene blue (1 gram within 100 cc of water) taken 2-4 cc of this solution mixed with 4 liters of water for 24 hours and soaked within NaCl salt for 10 minutes, the dose of 1-3 cc of water gram/100 .

Fish lice (argulosis)

Symptoms: seeds and stem into thin, because his blood sucked. The skin, fins and gills clear that there are red spots (hemorrtage).
Control: fish that are infected within Diren & salt 20 grams / liter of water for 15 minutes and soaked in a solution of 10 ppm OD (10 ml/m3) for 30 minutes; with pond drying up the cracks.
Itching (Trichodiniasis)
Attacking fish seed.       
Symptoms: slow motion; like rub-rubbing bodies on the side of the pond / aquarium.       
Control: soak for 15 minutes within 150-200 ppm formalin solution. 

Bacteria psedomonas flurescens
Symptoms: bleeding and sleep on the skin; eroded caudal fin. 
Control: amalgamated feeding oxytetracycline 25-30 mg / kg of fish or fish sulafamerazine 200mg/kg for 7 consecutive days.

Mushrooms (Saprolegniasis)
Attacking the head, gill cover, fins and other parts of that.
Symptoms: attack the body which looks like cotton. That egg fungus, looks fine yarns such as cotton.
Control: immersed within Malactile green oxalate solution (MGO) 3 gram/m3 dose for 30 minutes; egg who fell ill with MgO 2-3 gram/m3 soaked for 1 hour.



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