Hujeta Gar

Hujeta Gar (Ctenolucius Hujeta), known as freshwater Barracuda and Characin Pike is a fish that has a lean elongated body and a long snout. Hujeta Gar who have body color brown or blue (depending on lighting) and transparent fins are from South America from Columbia, Panama and Venezuela.

Transparent colored tail, branched and have black spots at the base. Hujeta Gar is a predator who has the upper jaw slightly longer than the lower jaw, with food such as small fish, shrimp, mussels, worms, frozen foods (mosquito larvae, blood worms, tubifex) and other commercial foods. As predators, these fish reach a length of buffer in the tank body 25 cm and 35 cm in the wild. Suitable living environment is a temperature of 24 - 300C and pH 5.5 to 7.5.

Although predators, Hujeta Gar generally not too aggressive, he will hunt prey sufficient for the size of his mouth and the hunt is usually conducted in groups. Hujeta Gar is a clever jumper, and liked the setup aquarium with a few plants but still provides room to swim, although these fish spent more time near the water surface. In the aquarium, this fish requires a good filtration system to circulate the manure produced. Gar Hujeta live in groups and can be mixed with other fish that are larger in size. Adult female fish have a body that is slightly larger and more rounded than the male abdomen, in addition to the male anal fin and the female form berjumpai average. Breeding fish in the aquarium, although probably do tend to be difficult. Breeding is done by placing a single pair or group where marriage begins with the male will chase the female. Laying process occurs around the surface of the water and going for 3 hours. Number of eggs produced can reach more than a thousand items and will hatch after 20 hours. Baby fish can swim freely after 60 hours and can be fed Artemia, rotifers and water fleas.
Kingdom    : Animalia
phylum       : chordates
Class          : Actinopterygii
order          : Characiformes
Family        : Ctenoluciidae
genus         : Ctenolucius
species       : Ctenolucius hujeta


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