Pictus Cat

Pictus Cat (Pimelodus Pictus) is a catfish from the family Pimelodidae that comes from the Amazon and Orinoco rivers, South America. Like most members of Pimelodidae, Pictus cat has a long mustache.
Pictus relatively small sized cat with a length of 11-12 cm over the same berfisik relatives but bigger is Leiarius Pictus with a length of 60 cm. This silver fish with black spots and lines on his body. Bone on her dorsal fin and very sharp so troublesome when packing because they can penetrate bone or tear the plastic, but it is still safe for humans. At around mouth there are 3 pairs of barbels (whiskers) are long and white. Pictus cat uses its long barbels to find food around the bottom waters.

As with any other catfish, the Pictus cat has mouth facing down and forked tail. Pictus cat is an active swimmer and nocturnal feeders or foraging at night. These fish are omnivores. In nature, the main food is aquatic invertebrates, but in the aquarium can accept frozen foods such as blood worms or live, tubifex and small earthworms. They will also eat small fish like neon tetra. Environmental conditions are suitable for this fish is a temperature of 22 - 250C and pH 5.6 to 6.8. Pictus cat relative sexual dimorphism ie difference male and female fish is difficult to determine, but usually females slightly larger than males. Breeding techniques have not been reported in the aquarium. For treatment at the aquarium, a few hiding places, ample space for swimming and dim lighting very popular fish. Aquarium filtration system must be robust and effective, especially a good amount of water flow. Poor water quality caused fish sensitivity decreased even cause fish often lose barbelsnya.


Kingdom  ; Animalia
phylum     : chordates
Class        : Actinopterygii
order        : Siluriformes
Family      : Pimelodidae
genus       : Pimelodus
species     : Pimelodus Pictus


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