Humpback Puffer

Butal this is one species of puffer fish that live in fresh water. Habitats are rivers flowing slow and ponds in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
A length of 20 cm. This fish has a body style mottled brownish and has a brownish red eyes. That is characteristic of this fish is having a rather bent backs.

In the aquarium puffer fish is not among active and sedentary. This bloated spent more time in silence at the bottom of the aquarium. However, these fish are pretty aggressive fish so that the fish is better maintained just enough of the tail when the fish is kept in a place that is not big enough. Even so, the bundles could be maintained with fish size greater than or equal magnitude and possibly also fellow kind if fish is maintained in a pretty big place and as long as there are plenty of places pesembunyian. But the risk of such quarrels still always there. Water conditions are appropriate; 6.8 to 7.6 pH water temperature 24-28 ° C.  

As with all pufferfish, these fish are sensitive to water conditions so the water conditions must remain in good condition. Feed that can be given is that frozen food like blood worms or live. Give food also crustaceans like lobsters, shellfish, or snails to scrape teeth will continue to grow lengthwise. Feed can be given once a week in the adult fish. At the aquarium can be a hiding place pieces of wood, boulders, or flower pots from clay. 


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