Wrestling Halfbeaks

Found in freshwater and brackish waters of Southeast ASIA, especially in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. The maximum length of 7 cm for females, while the males are smaller. She was slender and elongated with a longer lower jaw. Similar to fish fated to be unlucky-fated to be unlucky because it's still a family, but the difference this fish live in fresh water while fated to be unlucky-fated to be unlucky fish live in the sea.

To maintain this fish needs caution because these fish are fish that are nervous and easily startled. If not careful then the fish can jump out of the aquarium or even to hurt himself. Sized aquarium better longer. Could also be the origin of some aquatic plants aquarium plants at the edge of the water surface height reached.

Add to that a floating aquatic plant that is similar to their natural habitat as well as the fish that comfortable in the aquarium. Water conditions: pH 7.0 to 8.0 temperature of 21-30 ° C. Feed that can be given in the form of worms, crustaceans, mainly insects. Although these fish including carnivorous fish can be kept with other fish because fish are peaceable character. In addition, fish is also regarded as a good community fish. 


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