Spotted Climbing Perch

Comes from the Congo Basin, Africa. Can grow up to a size 15 cm.Ciri-characteristic fish has a long snout, big mouth, big eyes, and small spikes on his back. Bitik white body with black-brown round spots. The fish are still allied with betik fish that live in Indonesia.

To maintain this fish needs to be provided caves as a hiding place. Fish feed for this form of pellets, blood worms, or minnows. Because it has a big mouth, then do not keep the fish along with other smaller fish. When hunting, these fish waiting for unsuspecting prey and then opened her mouth wide so that the prey sucked by her mouth and swallow it whole. This fish is able to swallow prey size 1/3 the size of its body.

In a position to hunt, fish body is oval shaped bend its tail until the fish is shaped like a leaf so that the prey does not notice him. Water conditions: air temperature 20 ° - 25 ° C pH 6.0 to 8.0. Active during the day and night and be peaceable towards other fish species origin of the same size. 


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