Indonesian Tiger Fish

Commonly referred to as "Indodats" in Indonesia. The fish are known to live only in the territory of Indonesia, which is around the islands of Borneo and Sumatra that these fish still include fish native to Indonesia. Habitat in the rivers, lakes, and canals.
This fish is also commonly found in many areas of vegetation or on tree roots are submerged. The maximum size of approximately 45 cm, but in aquariums rarely reach that size because this species has a slow growth even took a few years to reach a size of 30 cm.

This fish was well liked as ornamental fish because it has a nice body style. Its body has a golden yellow color combined with black stripes thick. Her style is like a tiger that makes a lot of people who hunt. Due to the large demand for this fish is not proportional to the number of population in the wild can make these endangered fish in the future. Tiger fish has a fairly high resale value in the ornamental fish market.

Aquarium fish that is used to maintain this should be large enough apart as it can grow quite large as well as the fish active. Minimum sized aquarium 180x60x60 cm. Water conditions are necessary; pH 6.5-7.5 water temperature 22-28 ° C. In the wild indodats indodats are predatory fish that requires live feed such as small fish, shrimp, or worms. Fish can get into his mouth devoured by the fish so that the fish better maintained with the same fish or larger in size. There are two kinds of setup used for the fish tank. The first is setup according to the fish habitat. Setup is a aquarium filled with water plants along with wood bogwood decorations and other ornaments. The second is the setup akarium without any decoration. In the setup is not there any decorations or substrate in an aquarium or are ornate and yet minimal substrate. Both are suitable for these fish, depending on the personal taste of each. Good biological filtration and regular water changes are a must because these fish are sensitive to water conditions. Indodats tigerfish is a native species live in fresh water so it does not require the addition of salt into the water. 


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