Knight goby

Has a base color of pale gray. Found in the area near the mouth of the river from India to Indonesia. Speckled body with a series of small black dots that cover most of his body. Pectoral fin, anal and tail bounded by white lines. Dorsal fin has a large black spot on the back. This fish can only reach a maximum size of 8 cm.

To maintain, in the aquarium should be provided plenty of hiding places such as caves, bogwood wood, or water plants. This fish is a fish that is sensitive to water quality so that the quality of the water in the aquarium must be maintained clean. Ideal substrate for these fish is soft sand. In terms of feed fish is able to receive food in any form. This fish can receive food in the form of dried food, frozen food flakes, live food, or pellets that sink. Water conditions are appropriate; water temperature 20-26 ° C pH 7.5-8.5. Do not keep the fish with smaller fish because the fish are aggressive and will eat anything that can fit in his mouth. Besides these fish like to bite the fins of slow moving fish or fish that have long fins. Although these fish can live in fresh water, add a little sea water into the aquarium because his life in the wild these fish live in brackish water areas.


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