Peacock goby

Peacock goby is a kind of interesting colored goby fish from Papua New Guinea. This fish inhabits lowland habitats such as rivers, ponds, and streams in the forest. Most of these fish are found in the rain forest streams in the form of a herd. Peacock goby relatively small size, the maximum size of only 7.5 cm. This fish is very popular as aquarium fish because of the style and color of the body is interesting. Its body has a light blue base color is decorated with vertical stripes are reddish. At the edge of the fins are yellow. Near the tail are black dots.

Including the Peacock goby fish easily maintained. Used aquarium 45x30x30 cm minimum size or minimum capacity of 40 liters. This fish likes water slightly acidic and many enclosures. Use a dark substrate and floating water plants will help make it feel more comfortable. They also need plenty of hiding places, add some bogwood or by planting aquatic plants. In the tank there are few hiding places or decoration, these fish will usually clustered around places that might maketh available as a hiding place.

Required water conditions; pH 6.5-7.5 water temperature 22-26 ° C. Goby fish is also a good jumper, so make sure the aquarium has a tight cover. Feed given to fish that can include dry feed and live food such as bloodworm, daphnia, and brineshrimp. Even so, preferably live food fish goby ini.Peacock peaceable character. This fish is suitable maintained or kept with other fish with its own kind. Tankmates are ideal for this fish, among others, Rainbowfish, Tetra, Rasbora, Corydoras or other peaceable fishes. Make sure the aquarium has enough open space if you want to keep with territorial fish like small cichlid. The males have brighter colors and bigger fish than for females. 


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