
Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) is one of the main cichlid species that have relatively long familiar with humans. This fish is about 50 years familiar with humans. Oscar is a fish from South America, S. Amazon, Parana, Rio Paraguay and Rio Negro. Almost all of the outstanding Oscar today is the result of cultivation, which is a rare catch of native habitat.
Oscar comes from the river with a low hardness and is acidic. Even so,This fish is known tolerant of almost any water conditions. Although tolerant of a variety of water kondis, Oscar needs to be maintained at the temperature conditions of 26 ° - 30 ° C. Setting the desired aquarium is with deep sand bottom and some great rock grains. 
Oscar can reach a size of 35 cm, but the average fish size is a maximum of 30 cm. Oscar fish, including smart and have a personality. They can learn quickly about his eating schedule. Almost everything related to food can be properly recorded by the fish. When trained, Oscar can receive direct feed from the hands of their owners. They can jump to a height of 15 cm in order to achieve the feed from the hands of the owner.Oscar lots of variants which have been developed over the years, such as: Tiger Oscar, Red Tiger Oscar, Albino Tiger Oscar, Albino Red Oscar, Oscar Gold, Half Back Oscar, Long Fin Oscar etc..WoofOscar is a predatory fish. They will prey on other fish that size is more kacil than half his size. Even so Oscar could accept almost all types of food such as flake, pellets, worms, crickets, small carp and others. 
Oscar spawning broodstock can be done on a 1.5-year-old, or a body length of about 15 cm. In spawn, Oscar behaves similar to Discus, the fish will form their own pair. Therefore the selection, couples are encouraged to do since Oscar Oscar aged 5-6 months, by mixing 10 or more Oscar tail of the opposite sex.Oscar virile distinctions on relatively hard to do, though there are common signs that a male has a longer body, while the female is more rounded. At the time of mating females will show your bump. Another way is by feeding on fish is concerned with the number of lots. In this condition there is food in the belly of the fish will hit the genital organs of fish so easily observed. If sex tube narrow and leads backward then the fish is male, whereas when the width and leads forward females. 
Spawning can be done in cement tanks measuring 150 x 100 x 50 cm with a height of 30 cm water. Clean stone slab input into it as a place to attach the egg. The next couple of fish that have been established and mature egg is inserted into it. The tub should be covered in such a way that creates a calm atmosphere. Spawning usually occurs in the afternoon and evening. If the egg has seemed stuck in the media, then the media move to the aquarium hatchery. Aquarium aquarium hatchery could be the size of 70 x 40 x 40 cm is filled with water as high as 10 cm. Give aeration with weak strength. Within 3 days the eggs will hatch in general already. 
Up to the age of 4 days fry Oscar does not need to be feed. In this period they will take up the existing feed on the egg sac. On day 5 seed starting or cyclops given rotifers as feed. Day 10 already can be lice filtered water, and day 14 was to be given normal water fleas. Furthermore, it can be hair worms. 
In all Oscar can spawn release 1000 - 4000 eggs.


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