Carp fish Chocolate

A Chocolate gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides) is a shy but peaceful fish. The males are usually intense in color than the females.
Initially, Chocolate gourami of Sumatra, Malaysia and Malacca. Those in shallow lakes and streams. It is usually standing water. Because the record of atmospheric oxygen the fish they usually stay close to the surface. They usually find no shelter under leaves, on plants or other shelters.

scientific classification
Empire      : Animalia (Animals)
Ethnicity   : Chordata (chordates)
Class        : Actinopterygii (ray)
Order       : Perciformes (perch)
Family      : Osphronemidae (carp)
Gender     : Sphaerichthys

Chocolate Gourami is not better when held in a pair. Although this is not really a school of fish was found that the carp better if more congeners nearby.
The males can be aggressive during the breeding season to the other inmates. Because males make nests that he protect his own life.

Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
Size 6 cm
Water temperature 25-30 ° C
pH 6-6.5
DH 0-4 ยบ
Minimum aquarium size 60 Cm

These fish are very susceptible to diseases from contaminated water or water conditions quickly. Therefore, it is not fast a fish aquarium continues.


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