Saddled bichir

Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri has a long body, a sharp-toothed and have the dorsal fin to tail a lot, yellowish with black spots in his body. P. Endlicheri is one of the Polypterus species that can grow up to 30 inches.

P. Endlicheri has a small head, mouth gaping like a lizard can and small eyes. Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri a nocturnal fish that have very poor eyesight, but have a very good sense of smell to locate food / prey. Same with the other members of its genus, Endlicheri a carnivore has been discovered living in or Triassic about 200 million years ago.


Kingdom   : Animalia
phylum      : chordates
Class         ; Actinopterygii
order         : Polypteriformes
Family       : Polypteridae
genus        : Polypterus
species      : P. endlicheri endlicheri
Young fish such as amphibians have external gills and the gills will disappear when adult, adult fish breathe using two pairs of primitive lungs that caused this fish needs water to the surface to gulp air. P. Endlicheri a native African animals that spread across the Nile, Niger and several other rivers. He lived on water conditions with pH 6-8 and a temperature of 22 - 27oC. The males have a small bulge in the anal fin, while females do not. There is one subspecies Endlicheri sized larger than P. Endlicheri endlicheri known as Polypterus endlicheri congius which can grow to over 39 inches.


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